Satellite Altimetry-based Extension of global-scale in situ river discharge M...
The Satellite Altimetry-based Extension of global-scale in situ river discharge Measurements (SAEM) dataset provides a comprehensive solution for addressing gaps in river... -
Remote Sensing-Based Extension of GRDC River Discharge Time Series
The quantification of river discharge is essential for understanding global freshwater dynamics. However, the Global Runoff Data Center (GRDC) dataset has faced a decline in the... -
EOT20 - A global Empirical Ocean Tide model from multi-mission satellite alti...
EOT20 is the latest in a series of global ocean tide models developed at DGFI-TUM. EOT20 is created using residual tidal analysis of multi-mission altimetry data from the period... -
Satellite Altimetry-based Extension of global-scale in situ river discharge M...
The Satellite Altimetry-based Extension of global-scale in situ river discharge Measurements (SAEM) dataset provides a comprehensive solution for addressing gaps in river... -
Remote Sensing-Based Extension of GRDC River Discharge Time Series
The quantification of river discharge is essential for understanding global freshwater dynamics. However, the Global Runoff Data Center (GRDC) dataset has faced a decline in the... -
Surface Water Storage and Groundwater Storage from Satellite Data in the Nort...
The data set provides surface water storage (SWS) and groundwater storage (GWS) data for the Northern East African Rift region. SWS is estimated from a combination of lake... -
Satellite Altimetry and Hydrodynamic Model derived Accurate Dynamic Topograph...
Accurate determination of dynamic topography (DT) is expected to quantify a realistic sea surface, with respect to its vertical datum, and in identifying sub-mesoscale features... -
Piecewise trends and discontinuities in GNSS and SATTG time series
This dataset contains estimates of piecewise trends and discontinuities in vertical land motion (VLM) time series. The time series are based on two techniques, the Global... -
Mean Significant Wave Height, Amplitude of the its Annual Cycle and Mean Wave...
This dataset contains the results of the accepted Nature Communications manuscript entitled "Global coastal attenuation of wind-waves observed with radar altimetry", with the... -
North SEAL: Gridded Sea Level Anomalies and Trends for the North Sea from Mul...
This dataset contains gridded Sea Level Anomalies (SLA) for the North Sea, computed from multi-mission satellite altimetry at DGFI-TUM. SLA are provided in monthly temporal...