Saccharomyces interspecific hybrids isolated from wild environments
In our research, we conducted genomic sequencing of two interspecific hybrids of Saccharomyces (S. cerevisiae x S. paradoxus), which were isolated from natural habitats. The... -
Dissecting the sequence and structural determinants guiding m6A deposition an...
N6-methyladenosine (m6A) is the most abundant mRNA modification, primarily implicated in controlling mRNA stability. The distribution of m6A varies considerably between and... -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces paradoxus, inter-species hybrid Raw s...
Determining how transcriptional regulation had evolved in the course of yeast speciation. -
Ploidy instability in experimental hybrid populations
Hybrids between species frequently suffer from reduced fertility. Following the propagation of 672 yeast lines through 770 mitotic generations in which natural selection was... -
The dynamic three-dimensional organization of the diploid yeast genome
The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a long-standing model for the three-dimensional organization of eukaryotic genomes1,2, and recent high-throughput chromatin... -
Expression evolution in gene groups: Inferring non-neutral regulatory change ...
We profiled the transcriptomes of four Saccharomyces species, as well as pairwise hybrids between three of the species with S. cerevisiae Overall design: For pairwise... -
Evolution and genetic architecture of chromatin accessibility and function in...
Chromatin accessibility is an important functional genomics phenotype that influences transcription factor binding and gene expression. Genome-scale technologies allow chromatin... -
Ribosome profiling of interspecific hybrids of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and S...
Ribosome profiling was performed on interspecific hybrids of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and S. paradoxus in order to identify allele-specific expression indicative of... -
S. cerevisiae, S. paradoxus and their inter-species hybrid Raw sequence reads
Raw paired end sequencing data of transcription factor binding, measured via ChEC-seq.</p><p>The binding of transcriptions factors Ace2, Swi5, Fkh1 and Fkh2 were... -
Heterochronic meiotic misexpression in an interspecific yeast hybrid
Changes in gene regulation rapidly accumulate between species and may contribute to reproductive isolation through misexpression of genes in interspecific hybrids. Hybrid... -
Cis-regulatory variation affects gene expression dynamics
This study examined allele-specific expression dynamics in yeast. Gene expression was measured by an RNA-seq time-course over the diauxic shift for three strains of... -
ONT whole genome sequencing from MA experiment on S. paradoxus and S. cerevis...
Oxford Nanopore long-read whole-genome sequencing of parental strains and evolved lines from an evolution experiment performed on laboratory hybrids from crosses between... -
Comparison of nucleosome positioning among two yeast species and their hybrid...
To study the evolution of nucleosome positioning we mapped nucleosome positioning in two species of yeasts. Identified differences in nucleosome positioning were classified into... -
Comparing transcript abundance and translation efficiency in S. cerevisiae, S...
The goals of this study are to compare evolutionary differences in mRNA abundance and translation efficiency in yeast. Ribosome profiling in S. cerevisiae, S. paradoxus, and an...