GCOS SWE data from 11 stations in Switzerland
This dataset contains long-term snow water equivalent and corresponding snow depth data 11 observer sites in Switzerland between 1200 and 2500 m a.s.l. compiled for the Global... -
Alpine3D simulations of future climate scenarios CH2014
Overview The CH2014-Impacts initiative is a concerted national effort to describe impacts of climate change in Switzerland quantitatively, drawing on the scientific resources... -
Manual bi-weekly snow profiles from Weissfluhjoch, Davos, Switzerland
Dataset of manual bi-weekly snow profiles from Weissfluhjoch, Davos, Switzerland. Typical snow profile measurements and observations are included (temperature, density, grain... -
WFJ2: Snow measurements from the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos
This dataset provides HS, TSS and TS50, TS100, TS150 at the station WFJ2 situated on the Weisfluhjoch research site (2536 m asl). It has been created from merging ENET and IMIS... -
Snow water equivalent measurements with low-cost GNSS receivers along a steep...
This database contains GNSS derived snow water equivalent (SWE), liquid water content (LWC), and snow height (HS) and reference data collected during the two winter 2018-2020... -
SWE2HS model calibration and validation data
The data in this repository was used for the calibration and validation of the SWE2HS model in the following publication: Aschauer, J., Michel, A., Jonas, T., & Marty, C.... -
Snow water equivalent for reference date April 1 for Wägital catchment, start...
Total water reserves of the snow cover [mio m3] for Wägital catchment, Switzerland, for reference date April 1. Data is separated in 2 elevation zones 900m-1500m asl and... -
Snow Depth Mapping
The available datasets are snow depth maps with a spatial resolution of 2m generated from image matching of ADS 80/100 data. Image acquisition took place at peak of winter (time... -
Seasonal fractional snow-covered area algorithm
This is the source code for computing the seasonal fractional snow-covered area. It is written in Fortran 90. The code reads snow depth (HS) and snow water equivalent (SWE) data... -
Multiple realizations of daily snow water equivalent, surface water input and...
The dataset contains for three variables (snow water equivalent, surface water input and liquid precipitation) 50 realizations of current and future climate periods for two time... -
Photogrammetric snow depth maps from satellite-, airplane-, UAS and terrestri...
This data set contains the produced snow depth maps as well as the reference data set (manual and snow pole measurements) from our paper "Intercomparison of photogrammetric... -
Climatological snow data since 1998, OSHD
This dataset comprises the climatology on gridded data of snow water equivalent and snow melt runoff spanning 1998-2022, with a spatial resolution of 1 km and daily temporal...