GCOS SWE data from 11 stations in Switzerland
This dataset contains long-term snow water equivalent and corresponding snow depth data 11 observer sites in Switzerland between 1200 and 2500 m a.s.l. compiled for the Global... -
WFJ2: Snow measurements from the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos
This dataset provides HS, TSS and TS50, TS100, TS150 at the station WFJ2 situated on the Weisfluhjoch research site (2536 m asl). It has been created from merging ENET and IMIS... -
Snow Height Classification Dataset
Snow Height Classification dataset provides manually annotated snow height data that can be used for development and evaluation of automatic snow height classification... -
Snow climate indicators derived from parallel manual snow measurements
Data set consisting of snow climate indicators derived from parallel manual snow measurements in Switzerland. -
Manual measuring network
The SLF avalanche warning service operates an extensive network of manual measuring sites. The sites are distributed throughout the Swiss Alps and predominantly situated in... -
GEM2: Meteorological and snow station at Gemsstock (3021 m asl), Canton Uri, ...
Meteorological station at Gemstock (3021 m asl) in Canton Uri. The station includes in/out LW/SW and a snow height sensor. Data from this station is managed by the permos.ch...