UAS based snow depth maps Brämabüel, Davos, CH
This snow depth map was generated 14 January 2015, close to peak of winter accumulation, applying Unmanned Aerial System digital surface models with a spatial resolution of 10... -
Weissfluhjoch dataset for ESM-SnowMIP
This Weissfluhjoch dataset is a processed version of the Weissfluhjoch dataset version 6 from https://doi.org/10.16904/6. This dataset was specially created for the ESM-SnowMIP... -
Alpine3D simulations of future climate scenarios CH2014
Overview The CH2014-Impacts initiative is a concerted national effort to describe impacts of climate change in Switzerland quantitatively, drawing on the scientific resources... -
More than one century of hydrological monitoring in two small catchments with...
Long-term data on precipitation and runoff are essential to draw firm conclusions about the behavior and trends of hydrological catchments that may be influenced by land-use and... -
Wind tunnel measurement data of drifting snow and turbulent wind fluctuations
The data correspond to the experiments presented and discussed in a paper regarding the interaction between turbulent wind fluctuations and snow saltation mass-fluxes (Paterna,... -
WFJ_MOD: Meteorological and snowpack measurements from Weissfluhjoch, Davos, ...
Dataset of meteorological and snowpack measurements from the automatic weather station at Weissfluhjoch, Davos, Switzerland, suitable for driving snowpack models. The dataset... -
SPASS - new gridded climatological snow datasets for Switzerland
This dataset comprises long-term daily 1 km gridded data of snow water equivalent and snow depth for Switzerland spanning the hydrological years 1962 until 2023. The SWE data... -
SWE2HS model calibration and validation data
The data in this repository was used for the calibration and validation of the SWE2HS model in the following publication: Aschauer, J., Michel, A., Jonas, T., & Marty, C.... -
Snow Height Classification Dataset
Snow Height Classification dataset provides manually annotated snow height data that can be used for development and evaluation of automatic snow height classification... -
Snow Depth Mapping
The available datasets are snow depth maps with a spatial resolution of 2m generated from image matching of ADS 80/100 data. Image acquisition took place at peak of winter (time... -
Snow climate indicators derived from parallel manual snow measurements
Data set consisting of snow climate indicators derived from parallel manual snow measurements in Switzerland. -
Seasonal fractional snow-covered area algorithm
This is the source code for computing the seasonal fractional snow-covered area. It is written in Fortran 90. The code reads snow depth (HS) and snow water equivalent (SWE) data... -
Long-term meteorological station Stillberg, Davos, Switzerland at 2090 m a.s.l.
Background information The Stillberg ecological treeline research site is located in the transition zone between the relatively humid climate of the Northern Alps and the... -
Photogrammetric snow depth maps from satellite-, airplane-, UAS and terrestri...
This data set contains the produced snow depth maps as well as the reference data set (manual and snow pole measurements) from our paper "Intercomparison of photogrammetric... -
Input data for impact assessment of homogenised snow series
Input data for the following research article: Impact assessment of homogenised snow depth series on trends The data consists of separate output files from the following... -
Input data for break point detection of Swiss snow depth time series
Data set consists of monthly mean values for snow depth and days with snow on the ground intended for the use of break detection with ACMANT, Climatol and HOMER. List and... -
GPS-derived data of SWE, HS and LWC and corresponding validation data
This data set includes GPS-derived snow water equivalent (SWE), snow depth (HS) and liquid water content (LWC) data for three entire snow-covered seasons (2015-2016, 2016-2017,... -
European Snow Booklet – an Inventory of Snow Measurements in Europe
The European Snow Booklet (ESB) is a book of reference for snow measurements that has been produced through collaboration with many European snow practitioners and snow... -
ALS-based snow depth and canopy height maps from flights in 2017 (Grisons, CH...
This dataset includes snow depth, canopy height and terrain elevation maps of forest stands in the Grisons (CH) and at Grand Mesa (CO,USA) derived from airborne lidar. Data were...