SPOT6 Avalanche outlines 24 January 2018
Outlines of 18'737 avalanches mapped from SPOT6 satellite data over the Swiss Alps on 24 January 2018. The outlines have different attributes described in the data example key... -
SPOT6 Avalanche outlines 16 January 2019
Outlines of 6'041 avalanches mapped from SPOT6 satellite data over the Swiss Alps on 16 January 2019. The dataset was acquired following a period with very high avalanche... -
Stable Water Isotopes in snow and vapor on the Weissfluhjoch
Notice: Changes to the dataset are still possible. Please do not use this dataset until the final publication with a DOI. Contact the authors if you have questions about this.... -
WFJ_CAL: Calibration dataset for snow models
During the development of DAISY, the snowpack model we realised that we did not have enough accurate calibration measurements. We needed more reliable measurements of snow... -
Validating and improving the critical crack length in SNOWPACK
To validate the critical crack length as implemented in the snow cover model SNOWPACK, PST experiments were conducted for three winter seasons (2015-2017) at two field site... -
UAS based snow depth maps Brämabüel, Davos, CH
This snow depth map was generated 14 January 2015, close to peak of winter accumulation, applying Unmanned Aerial System digital surface models with a spatial resolution of 10... -
Snow water equivalent measurements with low-cost GNSS receivers along a steep...
This database contains GNSS derived snow water equivalent (SWE), liquid water content (LWC), and snow height (HS) and reference data collected during the two winter 2018-2020... -
Snow water equivalent for reference date April 1 for Wägital catchment, start...
Total water reserves of the snow cover [mio m3] for Wägital catchment, Switzerland, for reference date April 1. Data is separated in 2 elevation zones 900m-1500m asl and... -
Weissfluhjoch dataset for ESM-SnowMIP
This Weissfluhjoch dataset is a processed version of the Weissfluhjoch dataset version 6 from https://doi.org/10.16904/6. This dataset was specially created for the ESM-SnowMIP... -
Compressive stick slip and snow-micro-quakes
When snow is compressed with a certain speed, micro-snowquakes are triggered in the porous structure of bonded crystals. The present dataset covers uniaxial compression... -
Snow Drift Station - Micro Rain Radar
The instrument (MRR, Metek) was mounted at Gotschnagrat (LON: 46.859 LAT: 9.849) at a height of 1 m above snow surface (at the beginning of the campaign) with an orientation of... -
Experiments on stable water isotopes, snow metamorphism, and advection
Stable water isotopes (δ18O) obtained from snow and ice samples of polar regions are used to reconstruct past climate variability, but heat and mass transport processes can... -
Simulation parameters and outputs for a rigorous approach to the specific sur...
In the associated study [1], two time-lapse temperature gradient metamorphism series of three-dimensional micro-computed tomography images of snow (obtained by [2]) have been... -
Simulated avalanche problem types and seismic avalanche activity around Weiss...
Avalanche problem types were derived from snow cover simulations with the models Crocus and SNOWPACK at the Weissfluhjoch study plot, Davos, CH. The data include annual... -
Selected wet snow avalanche activity data Davos, Switzerland (2011-2014)
Polygons of wet snow avalanches in the Davos area, as documented by the Swiss avalanche warning service. The georeferenced outlines of the avalanches contain both the release as... -
Satellite avalanche mapping validation data
Validation points, validation area, ground truth coverage, SPOT 6 avalanche outlines, Sentinel-1 avalanche outlines, Sentinel-2 avalanche outlines, Davos avalanche mapping... -
Saltation of cohesive granular materials
The wind-driven saltation of sand and snow shapes dunes and ripples, generates dust emission, and erodes the surface of the Antarctic ice sheet. Here, we use a model based on... -
Dataset on PV Production in Snow Covered Mountains
Overview The SUNWELL Modelling Environment is a combination of data and code that models electricity production from satellite-derived irradiance data and other spatial data... -
21st century projections of dry- and wet-snow avalanche activity
This data set includes 21st century projections of dry- and wet-snow avalanche activity for seven sites in the Swiss Alps as well as the downscaled climate scenarios and... -
Preferential Deposition Processes Animations
Supplementary animations for the publication (DOI to follow with pre-print) showing preferential deposition as modeled by the HICAR model. Complete descriptions of the...