Mean, minimum and maximum temperature, annual precipitation and runoff in Fin...
In case of precipitation and runoff, 95th percentile is used instead of maximum, omitting outliers with extremely high values. -
Monthly precipitation and runoff series of Begura de Salma River (Mallorca, S...
Here we provide the data set obtained as described in detail in Estrany et al. (2020, doi:10.5194/nhess-2019-304); a brief description is presented below. A hydrometric gauging... -
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
This dataset has no description
Automated Weather Station measurements at Joyce Glacier, McMurdo Dry Valleys,...
14-month record of automatic weather station (AWS) observations taken on Joyce Glacier in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The data file includes both the variables measured at the AWS... -
High-resolution meteorological observations, Surface Energy Balance component...
PLEASE NOTE in the article Jakobs et al. (2020) this dataset is given as data reference. However, the full suite of the data for this article is to be found here:... -
Daily summary of weather, snow, and preferential-flow conditions at the Snow ...
This dataset includes daily summaries of weather, snow, and preferential-flow conditions at the Snow and Ice Research Center, Nagaoka (Japan) -- snow seasons 2006 through... -
Tab. 1: Abflußwerte der Pegelstation Vernagtbach
This paper describes the extraordinary difficulties met in gauging glacier streams and establishes criteria that have to be fulfilled for a correct determination of glacier run... -
10Be erosion rates and riverine alkalinity concentration globally
The erosional influence on terrestrial alkalinity generation globally has been discussed over the last decades. In regional studies, long-term catchment-average denudation... -
Snow survey time series at different sites within Kolyma Water-Balance Statio...
Comments column:1 = Snow cover characteristics for Kontactovy creek - Sredniy calculated by results of snow surveys without data of Morozova br.2 = The values of density and... -
Krycklans avrinningsområde
The Krycklan Catchment Study (KCS) is one of the most ambitious projects which integrate water quality, hydrology and aquatic ecology in running waters in the boreal region. KCS... -
(Fig. 3) Long-term dynamics of runoff from Vasyugan mire (2006-2010)
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