4 datasets found

Keywords: Rubus ulmifolius

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  • 25_Genomes_for_25_Years_of_Genomics

    To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, 25 species will have their genome sequenced. This will be the Sanger Institute’s pathfinder...
  • Transcriptome_data_for_Sanger_25_genomes_project

    To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Wellcome Sanger Institute, 25 species will have their genome sequenced. This will be the Sanger Institute’s pathfinder contribution...
  • DNA Zoo

    The DNA Zoo is a consortium focused on facilitating conservation efforts through the rapid generation and release of high-quality genomics resources.
  • Dataset sobre Datos de preferencias de Burros y Cabras sobre cinco especies f...

    Datos de consumo de 5 plantas (Quercus ilex, Pinus halepensis, Phillyrea latifolia, Rubus ulmifolius, y Brachypodium retusum) por parte de siete burros catalanes (Equus asinus)...
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