Microseismicity in the period 06/2006-03/2007 in the region of the Kolumbo su...
This dataset includes earthquake location results from a seismological experiment including Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) and land stations on the Cycladic islands in the... -
Microearthquake Phase Picks at the Knipovich Ridge 75.5-77.5N from 2016-09 ti...
The dataset includes located earthquakes with origin time, location and magnitude and phase picks for P and S phases. The dataset consists of 11 months of seismicity data... -
Microearthquake catalogue at the Knipovich Ridge 75.5-77.5N from 2016-09 till...
The dataset includes located earthquakes with origin time, location and magnitude and pick information.The dataset consists of 11 months of seismicity data collected by 26 ocean... -
Microearthquake activity at the Oblique Supersegment of the Southwest Indian ...
While nascent oceanic lithosphere at slow to fast spreading mid-ocean ridges (MOR) is relatively well studied, much less is known about the lithospheric structure and properties... -
Microseismicity in the period 12/2018-01/2019 at the southern Fonualei Rift a...
We provide a catalog of microseismicity recorded during a 32-days long deployment of ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) at the southern Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center in the Lau...