Spin dynamics in Sn-doped Er2Ti2-xSnxO7: probing the putative quantum critica...
The frustrated pyrochlore Er2Ti2O7 is a rare example of a magnetic system in which quantum fluctuations are capable of selecting a unique ground state out of the macroscopically... -
The XY pyrochlore AFM:spin dynamics upon rare-earth dilution in Er2Ti2O7 (CON...
Er2Ti2O7 constitutes an experimental realization of the <111> easy-plane pyrochlore AFM and orders at 1.1 K into the theoretically predicted spin structure. However, the... -
Spin glass behaviour in the disorder-free geometrically frustrated magnet Yb2...
Our susceptibility studies of the frustrated magnet Yb2Sn2O7 has revealed a spin glass transition of the Yb3+ magnetic lattice at T_g = 140 mK. To our knowledge, this...