Understanding Society: Linked Nest Auto-enrolment Pensions Dataset, 2014-2022...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Understanding Society (UK Household Longitudinal Study), which began in 2009, is conducted by the... -
Elämän konkari -kirjoituskilpailu 2013
Aineisto koostuu Suomen Mielenterveysseuran ja ET-lehden yhdessä toteuttamaan Elämän konkari -kirjoituskilpailuun lähetetyistä teksteistä. Kirjoittajilta kerättiin kokemuksia... -
Befragung von regulär pensionierten Personen und ihren Ehepartnern vor und na...
A longitudinal study with three survey dates examines how the transition to life after retirement is experienced. Using a stressor resource approach, the influence of personal,... -
Der Übergang in den Ruhestand - Wege, Einflussfaktoren und Konsequenzen - 2002
Vorliegende Studie ist ein Teilprojekt des Forschungsprogramms zur längerfristigen Zukunft der Alterssicherung. Dieses Forschungsprogramm wurde vom Eidgenössischen Departement... -
Befragung von früh- und normalpensionierten Personen vor und nach der Pension...
A longitudinal study with three survey dates examines how the transition to life after retirement is experienced. Using a stressor resource approach, the influence of personal,... -
Eläkebarometri 2017
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin suomalaisten eläketurvaan ja eläkkeisiin liittyviä käsityksiä sekä eläketurvan tuntemusta ja viestintäkanavia. Kantar TNS Oy on toteuttanut... -
Microcensus Ad-Hoc-Module 'Transition from work to retirement' 2012 (SUF edit...
Full edition for scientific use. In addition to the core variables of the Microcensus Labour Force Survey (LFS), the LFS also has so-called ad-hoc-modules (AHM) that can vary... -
Microcensus Ad-Hoc-Module 'Transition from work to retirement' 2006 (SUF edit...
Full edition for scientific use. In addition to the core variables of the Microcensus Labour Force Survey (LFS), the LFS also has so-called ad-hoc-modules (AHM) that can vary... -
SWEOLD - Undersökningen om äldre personers levnadsvillkor
SWEOLD is a nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden. The sample consists of individuals previously included in the selection of Swedish Level of... -
SNAC - Swedish National study on Aging and Care.
The long-term longitudinal study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care - was launched in 2001 by initiative of the Swedish government in order to answer questions... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Kungsholmen (SNAC-K)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Nordanstig (SNAC-N)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Blekinge (SNAC-B)
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne... -
The Swedish National study on Aging and Care in Skåne (SNAC-S) - GÅS
The national study SNAC - The Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, includes four participating areas: SNAC-Blekinge, SNAC Kungsholmen, SNAC Nordanstig and SNAC Skåne Gott... -
Generations; Pensions; Text Report 2004
Multi-topic survey: Generations, pensions Probability Face-to-face interview: CAPI -
Ageing Society 2008 - Analysis of the Wishes and the Reality of Older Employe...
The project Ageing Society - challenge for business and society done by the Zukunftsforum Österreich (future-board Austria) is concerned with the problem ageing employees... -
Aspects of Austrian economic policy 1996
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview -
Befragung der älteren Bevölkerung Österreichs (Band B) 1967
Thema: Pension Probability Interview -
Omnibus Survey: Career and professional development; Legal harmonisation of w...
No abstract available Non-probability: Quota Face-to-face interview -
Tariff Policy and EU Accession 1993
No abstract available Probability: Simple random Telephone interview