Soil quality and soil property data and terrain data for 3D multi-scale conte...
The dataset was used to estimate the relevant range of spatial scales with multi-scale contextual spatial modelling. The modelled soil properties were cation exchange capacity,... -
Soil spectroscopy data from 130 soil profiles in Lora del Rio, Andalusia, Spain
The data set was used to predict soil organic carbon (%), clay (<2 µm), silt (2-50 µm), and sand (50-2000 µm) content (%) and pH on samples that were not analysed with wet... -
Soil properties data of soil organic carbon, pH, soil texture, cation exchang...
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Multi-scale terrain covariates at each soil profile location from Lora del Ri...
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Key IDs to link the soil properties data and the multi-scale terrain covariat...
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Soil profile meta data from samples in Lora del Rio, Andalusia, Spain
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Wet chemistry analysis for soil organic carbon, pH, sand, silt, and clay cont...
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Predicted soil data from samples in Lora del Rio, Andalusia, Spain
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Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy of soil samples from Lora del Rio, Andalusia...
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Mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy of soil samples from Lora del Rio, Andalusia,...
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