Grey communities: An empirical study on databases and repositories
The study explores grey communities outside the Grey Literature Network Service (GreyNet) and identifies potential members for GreyNet. GreyNet can be compared to a Learned... -
Grey Literature Archiving Pattern in BRICS Open Access Repositories
The present study was conducted to examine the grey literature archiving pattern in OA repositories of BRICS. The data for this study was retrieved from the Bielefeld Academic... -
Interlinking Digital Repositories: Digital Objects as Foundational Entities i...
This flyer was generated by the C2CAMP consortium to describe its basic goals on developing a Digital Object based data infrastructure that has the capacity of interlinking... -
Datensatz zu: Open Access an wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen in Deutschland....
These data are supplementary material to Pampel (2019) and present the results of a quantitative survey on Open Access among scientific institutions in Germany. Both the report...