X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Hamburg, Staats- und Universi...
XRF (Bruker M6 JetStream: 50kV, 600 µA, maps with 70 to 200 µm steps and 40-50 ms per pixel) and reflectography (DinoLite AD4113T-I2V: x40 magnification, vis,... -
Ink-sights into Hellenistic and Roman Egypt: a journey from Carbon to Iron-ga...
Presentation at the 4th International Congress of Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, Nicosia (Cyprus), 05/2024. Recent research on the... -
Priests, Officials, and Scribes: "Ink-Contacts" in the Multilingual and Multi...
Presentation at the international colloquium INK-QUIRY Inks: between text and materiality, 11.12.2023, University Complutense of Madrid, Madrid (Spain). The research for this... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Vatican, Vatican Library Ms R...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Vatican Library... -
In the last two decades, the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschug und -prüfung (BAM), together with the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures (CSMC, University of... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Leipzig, Universitaetsbibliot...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Vatican, Vatican Library Ms V...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Vatican Library... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Vatican, Vatican Library Ms R...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Vatican Library... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Vatican, Vatican Library Ms V...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Vatican Library... -
ICBS 2022 presentation: Material analysis of inks from Byzantine manuscripts
Material analysis of inks from Byzantine manuscripts Research field “Artefact profiling” at the Cluster of Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts”... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Munich, Staatsarchiv München ...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 120s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from Staatsarchiv... -
X-Ray Fluorescence and Reflectography Data from Würzburg, Staatsarchiv Würzbu...
XRF (Elio: 40kV, 80 µA, spot measurements of 90s each) and reflectography (DinoLite: x50 magnification, vis, NIR and UV light) analysis of inks from 45 Domkapitel...