Broadly engaging with tranquility: a high resolution pilot study for modellin...
This collection provides data collated through each of the 4 intial research stages undertaken. The subsequent modelling and mapping of this data through GIS, is also... -
Life journeys: The role of interior dialogue and expression in negotiating te...
Data, including video and audio recordings, including of (i) people’s everyday lives and activities, and (ii) performative fieldwork techniques, that was generated through a... -
Q methodology studies on human perspectives for biological conservation 1996-...
This database synthesises peer-review articles that use Q methodology (an approach to understand human perspectives in a variety of topics) for research questions in biological... -
Catalogue of Mental Health Measures, 2020
The catalogue can be browsed in a number of different ways depending on your interests and needs. You can search the catalogue for: (1) Mental health or wellbeing topics. For... -
Corona Chronicles: Children Researching Their Everyday Lives, Education and R...
A set of seven digital animations created by and for children, first introducing the project and then one for each activity during Phase One (English school holidays -...