Non-Binary Environmental Archive Data (NEAD) format
Acknowledgement: The NEAD format includes NetCDF metadata and is proudly inspired by both SMET and NetCDF formats. NEAD is designed as a long-term data preservation and exchange... -
EnviDat Supports Open Science
The article "EnviDat Supports Open Science" originally appeared in WSLintern No. 3 (2020), page 14-15 and it is republished here with permission from the WSLintern editorial... -
Open Science Support at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL. The EnviDat...
This poster was originally created for the swissuniversities Open Science Action Plan: Kick-Off Forum, and showed to the audience on 17.10.2019. It illustrates how the... -
Cloud Optimized Raster Encoding (CORE) format
DISCLAIMER: CORE is still in development. Interested parties are warmly invited to join common development, to comment, discuss, find bugs, etc. Acknowledgement: The CORE format... -
UK Higher Education Institution Research Data Management Policies, 2009-2016
This dataset compares existing research data policies at UK higher education institutions. It consists of 83 cases. Polices were compared on a range of variables. Variables... -
UK Higher Education Institution Research Data Management Policies, 2009-2016
This dataset compares existing research data policies at UK higher education institutions. It consists of 83 cases. Polices were compared on a range of variables. Variables...