Comunicación de la RSC: una aproximación a las agencias de relaciones pública...
Este estudio examina cómo desarrollan la comunicación de la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) y de los criterios ESG (medioambientales, sociales y de gobernanza, por sus... -
Journalistic Role Performance around the Globe - Switzerland
The aim of our project is to explore the role performance of journalists. Journalistshave ideals in form of role conceptions: They see themselves, for instance, either as... -
Europarlamenttivaalien 2004 seuranta
Kyselyssä selvitettiin vuoden 2004 europarlamenttivaalien kampanjointiin, poliittiseen mainontaan ja äänestyskäyttäytymiseen liittyviä asioita. Tutkimusta tehtiin Changes in... -
Kunnallisvaalien 2004 seuranta
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin vuoden 2004 kunnallisvaalien kampanjointiin, poliittiseen mainontaan ja äänestyskäyttäytymiseen liittyviä asioita. Tutkimusta tehtiin Changes in... -
Työttömän arki Oulussa 1996: ryhmäkeskustelut
Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään, millaista on elää Oulussa työttömänä. Syksyllä 1996 käytyihin ryhmäkeskusteluihin osallistui yhteensä 32 oululaista työtöntä. Heidät... -
Sidosryhmien kokemuksia Nord Stream 2 -projektista 2019
Aineisto koostuu Nord Stream 2 -maakaasuputkiprojektin sidosryhmien edustajien haastatteluista Hangossa ja Kotkassa. Haastatteluissa käsitellään erityisesti sidosryhmien ja... -
Austria's image in West Germany 1985 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerlan...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in West Germany 1985. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Austria's image in Algeria 1988 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerland (OA...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in Algeria 1988. The study aimed to evaluate Austria's image and... -
Austria's image in West Germany 1988 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerlan...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in West Germany 1988. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Austria's image in Brazil 1988 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerland (OA ...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in Brazil 1988. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Austria's image in East Germany 1988 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerlan...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in East Germany 1988. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Austria's image in East Germany 1990 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerlan...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in East Germany 1990. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Effects of news coverage on a victim's character during a crisis (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The research addresses the question how reporting of irrelevant information on a crisis victim’s bad character impacts on empathy towards the... -
Austria's image in France 1986 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerland (OA ...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in France 1986. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Austria's image in Hungary 1989 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerland (OA...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in Hungary 1989. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Austria's image in the Soviet Union 1985 - a comparison to Germany and Switze...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in the Soviet Union 1985. The study evaluates Austria's image and... -
Austria's image in the Soviet Union 1991 - a comparison to Germany and Switze...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in the Soviet Union 1991. The study evaluates Austria's image and... -
Austria's image in France 1989 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerland (OA ...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in France 1989. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Austria's image in Hungary 1985 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerland (OA...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in Hungary 1985. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Communicating the COVID-19 Crisis: A Comparative Analysis of Crisis Communica...
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic confronted the world with a crisis that was massive in scale, rapid in pace, and global in scope. Governments all over the...