Diatom composition of the sediment core EN18224-4 from Lake Satagay, Central ...
This dataset contains microscopic diatom counts from the sediment core EN18224-4, retrieved from Lake Satagay in Nyurbinsky District, Central Yakutia. The results include counts... -
Freshwater diatom abundance in different water bodies from a polygonal tundra...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Diatom distribution in sediment core PG2208
A total of 37 samples from sediment core PG2208 were analyses for diatoms, of which we found valves in 32 samples. For species analysis we prepared diatom slides for light... -
Diatom species assemblage of sediment core PG2203-1
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Diatom species assemblage of sediment core PG2139-1
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Diatom record of Hoton-Nur Lake (Khoton Nuur), Mongolian Altai, Mongolia, cov...
Results of the diatom analysis of the Hoton-2 core. Concentration values (×10^6 valves/gr) are provided for each level. -
Modern diatom counts (relative abundances) from Lake Kushu (Rebun Island) and...
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Fossil diatom counts (relative abundances) from the sediment core RK12, Lake ...
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Counts of diatoms of composite core PG1756
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Counts of diatoms of composite core PG1755
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(Fig. 6) Distributions of the relative abundances of the most common diatom t...
Investigator: Boris K. Biskaborn -
Genetic and morphologic data of diatoms from Arctic surface sediments
Lakes cover large parts of the climatically sensitive Arctic landscape and respond rapidly to environmental change. Freshwater diatoms dominate the primary producer community in... -
Diatoms determination of the last 3000 years from Lake Lubińskie in western P...
This diatoms dataset contains the age of the sample (Age [a AD/CE] and Age [ka BP]), % of main taxa contribution (columns 3-16, calculated for the taxa presented in the paper),... -
Relative abundances of diatoms in Lake Baikal sediment core CON01-603-5
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Diatom concentration in Lake Baikal sediment core CON01-603-5
Given in valves/g dry wt. sediment -
Diatom abundance from sediment core of lake Rio Seco Superior, Sierra Nevada,...
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Diatom abundance from sediment core of lake Río Seco, Sierra Nevada, Spain
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Diatom abundance from sediment core of lake Mosca, Sierra Nevada, Spain
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Diatom abundance from sediment core of lake Cuadrada, Sierra Nevada, Spain
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Diatom abundance from sediment core of lake Borreguil, Sierra Nevada, Spain
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