Radionuclides, Nd isotopes and biogenic Opal in Atlanic Ocean sediments
Reconstructing past modes of ocean circulation is an essential task in paleoclimatology and paleoceanography. To this end, we combine two sedimentary proxies, Nd isotopes... -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core PS75/104-1
Version 2, 2021-09-30: Age model have been revised, previous version doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889932 -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core SO213/2_76-2
Version 2, 2021-09-30: Age model have been revised, previous version doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889928 -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core SO213/2_82-1
Version 2, 2021-09-30: Age model have been revised, previous version doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889835 -
Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core PS75/100-4
Version 2, 2021-09-30: Age model have been revised, previous version doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889930 -
Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of sediment core GeoB1515
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of sediment core KNR140-12JPC
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of sediment core GeoB1523-1
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of ODP Site 172-1062
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of ODP Site 172-1061
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of ODP Site 172-1060
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Protactinium, thorium, uranium and opal of ODP Site 172-1059
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Uranium, thorium and protactinium activity concentrations and isotopic ratios...
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Uranium, thorium and protactinium activity concentrations and isotopic ratios...
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Uranium, thorium and protactinium activity concentrations and isotopic ratios...
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Uranium, thorium and protactinium activity concentrations and isotopic ratios...
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Down-core measurements of 231Pa/230Th for sediment core PS75/059-2
The concentrations of sedimentary 231Pa, 238U, 230Th, and 232Th were jointly measured by isotope dilution in a co-operation between AWI and Heidelberg University with... -
Uranium, thorium, and protactinium isotopic records of sediment core GeoB3808-6
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(Table A1+A2) 230Th, 231Pa, 9Be, and 10Be in particle size fractions of surfa...
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231Pa/230Th (Pa/Th) and related radioisotope concentrations from eleven Atlan...
231Pa/230Th and related radioisotope concentrations from eleven Atlantic sediment cores for the Holocene. The concentrations of sedimentary 231Pa, 238U, 230Th, and 232Th were...