Project SEAMSTRESS: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations on Vestnesa Rid...
This ocean-bottom seismometer deployment is part of the SEAMSTRESS project examining tectonic stress effects on Arctic methane seepage. The project is led by PI Andreia... -
Project GAKKELDEEP: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations at the Gakkel R...
Gakkel Deep is a pilot project that installed a network of four broadband ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) near Gakkel Deep, the deepest depression in the Arctic Ocean, at the... -
Hardsubstrate data of offshore wind farms (DanTysk, Sandbank, Horns Rev) in t...
Makrozoobenthic communties were collected at multiple at different depth of wind turbines. Samples were taken by scraping the organisms from the turbines into a net (scrape... -
Project BRAVOSEIS: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations in the Bransfiel...
BRAVOSEIS (Bransfield Volcano Seismology) is an interdisciplinary project exploring volcanism in the Bransfield back-arc basin, Antarctica. Partners from Spain (amongst others... -
Project SWEAP: DEPAS ocean-bottom seismometer operations at the Southwest Ind...
Project SWEAP (Southwest Indian Ridge Earthquakes and Plumes), a collaborative effort led by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute, installed a network of 10 broad-band ocean bottom... -
More than 50 years of Th-234 data: a comprehensive global oceanic compilation
The ²³⁴Th-²³⁸U radioactive pair has been extensively used to evaluate the efficiency with which photosyntetically fixed carbon is exported from the surface ocean by means of the... -
Abundance and biomass of macrofauna in the German Bight from 2012 to 2015
The long-term ecological research benthic monitoring comprises four representative permanent stations (SSd, Slt, FSd and WB) that have been sampled countinuously since 1969. The... -
Data on nematode genus abundance and counts at LTER HAUSGARTEN from 2000 to 2...
This dataset contains information on Arctic deep-sea nematode abundance calculated for 10 cm² of seafloor on genus level (time period 2000 to 2009), as well as counts (years... -
Compilation of noble gas, hydrochemistry, stable water isotopes and radiocarb...
This dataset contains a compilation of noble gas, hydrochemistry, stable water isotopes and radiocarbon from dissolved organic carbon data sampled from geothermal power plants... -
Spatial and Temporal Groundwater Oxygen-18 and Deuterium Values Measured in a...
Groundwater samples were collected from an extensive monitoring well network in a discontinuous permafrost aquifer. The sampled groundwater was analyzed for the stable isotopes... -
Abundances of large microplastics (L-MP, 500-5000 µm) in surface waters of th...
In order to assess pollution with large microplastics (L-MP, 500-5000 µm) in the Lower Weser and transition to the German North Sea, surface water samples were collected with... -
Abundances of small microplastics (S-MP, 11-500 µm) in surface waters of the ...
In order to assess pollution with small microplastics (S-MP, 11-500 µm) in the Lower Weser and transition to the German North Sea, surface water samples were collected with the... -
Metadata and NCBI-Accession numbers of the global Deep-sea Sponge Microbiome ...
The Deep-sea Sponge Microbiome Project is a large-scale study, integrating 16S amplicon sequencing data of seawater, sediment, and sponges, with a large set of ecological and... -
Dissolved rare earth element distributions and physical oceanographic observa...
We present spatially highly resolved distributions of dissolved seawater REE concentrations ([REE]) along three transects in the zonal (extra-)equatorial current system and the... -
Abundance and biomass of macrofauna in the German Bight from 2016 to 2019
The long-term ecological research benthic monitoring comprises four representative permanent stations (SSd, Slt, FSd and WB) that have been sampled countinuously since 1969. The... -
Abundance and biomass of macrofauna in the German Bight from 2001 to 2011
The long-term ecological research benthic monitoring comprises four representative permanent stations (SSd, Slt, FSd and WB) that have been sampled countinuously since 1969. The... -
Super-high-resolution aerial imagery, digital surface model and 3D point clou...
As part of the Perma-X airborne campaign led by the Alfred Wegener Institute in 2021, we collected super-high-resolution multispectral imagery of permafrost landscapes with the... -
Super-high-resolution aerial imagery, digital surface model and 3D point clou...
As part of the Perma-X airborne campaign led by the Alfred Wegener Institute in 2021, we collected super-high-resolution multispectral imagery of permafrost landscapes with the... -
Super-high-resolution aerial imagery, digital surface model and 3D point clou...
As part of the Perma-X airborne campaign led by the Alfred Wegener Institute in 2021, we collected super-high-resolution multispectral imagery of permafrost landscapes with the... -
Super-high-resolution aerial imagery, digital surface model and 3D point clou...
As part of the Perma-X airborne campaign led by the Alfred Wegener Institute in 2021, we collected super-high-resolution multispectral imagery of permafrost landscapes with the...