(Table 3) Chemical composition of low-K glasses from ODP Hole 125-782A fallou...
Cations based on 4 oxygens. Numerical ages of tephra are based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy Xu and Wise (1992, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.125.142.1992) -
(Table 3) Chemical composition of medium-K glasses from ODP Hole 125-782A fal...
Cations based on 4 oxygens. Numerical ages of tephra are based on calcareous nannofossil stratigraphy Xu and Wise (1992, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.125.142.1992) -
Geochemical anaylsis from the Talheim loess-paleosol sequence in the Heilbron...
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Geochemical anaylsis from the Frankenbach loess-paleosol sequence in the Heil...
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(Table 4) Chemical composition of bottom sediments from the Sea of Okhotsk
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(Table 7) Chemical composition of selected volcanic glass at DSDP Site 57-438
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(Table 13) Chemical composition of representative sediments at DSDP Holes 65-...
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(Table 9) Chemical composition of sediments at DSDP Hole 65-484A
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(Table 4) Chemical composition of sediments at DSDP Site 65-482
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(Table 1) Chemical composition of rock and glasses of heated melt inclusions ...
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Tephra geochemistry from Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania) sediment core ICDP5045-1
Geochemical finger print data (in wt. %) of individual glass shards from 3 three previously described cryptotephra layer in the Late Glacial to Holocene sediments of the DEEP... -
(Table 5) Chemical composition of Holocene siliceous sediments from the Sea o...
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