Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 12, Arkady Wajspapir
Interview with Arkady Wajspapir (1921). Wajspapir served as a sergeant in the Red Army and was injured in September 1941. As a Jewish prisoner of war he and the other Soviet... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 07, Schlomo Alster
Interview with Schlomo Alster (Chelm 1 December 1908). Alster was a carpenter and in Sobibor he had to help build barracks. He explained to new arrivals: 'That is the fire,... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 01, Regina Zielinski
Interview with Regina Zielinski (Siedliczcze 2 September 1924). Zielinski was taken to Sobibor in a horse-drawn cart together with her fellow-villagers just before Christmas... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 13, Stephan Stelmaszuk and Tadeus Syczuk
Interview with Stephan Stelmaszuk (Nidzia 1928) and Tadeus Syczuk (Dorohucza 1923). Stelmaszuk and his family lived about four kilometres away from Sobibor. Sometimes he could... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 11, Chaskiel Menche
Interview with Chaskiel Menche (Kolo 7 January 1910). Menche arrived in Sobibor in the summer of 1942 and he was briefly put to work in the sorting barracks. He was then... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 08, Hella Weiss
Interview with Hella Weiss (née Felenbaum; Lublin 25 November 1924). Weiss arrived in Sobibor just before Christmas in a horse-drawn cart. She worked in the laundry, had to knit... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 03, Samuel Lerer
Interview with Samuel Lerer (Zolkiewka 1 October 1922). Lerer was one of the first prisoners to arrive in Sobibor. He was ordered to look after the horses and this gave him... -
Groningen in Oorlogstijd, interview 11
De heer Harry Oostland heeft de oorlog meegemaakt als kind in het dorp Midwolda (Oldambt). Hij kwam uit een hervormd gezin. Zijn vader, horlogemaker van beroep werd opgepakt... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 10, Esther Raab
Interview with Esther Raab (Chelm 11 June 1922). Raab, together with Regina Zielinski and Hella Weiss, was taken to Sobibor just before Christmas 1942 in a horse-drawn cart.... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 14, Thomas Blatt
Interview with Thomas Blatt (Izbica 15 April 1927). Blatt arrived in Sobibor by truck on 23 April 1943. He escaped the gas chamber because a guard spotted him among the women... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 843
De geinterviewde zat tijdens de Tweede Wereldoolog in het verzet, net als zijn vader. Hij vertelt over de meidagen en de evacuatie van Breda. Hij vertelt over zijn... -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 1060
De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn uitzending naar Irak. De geïnterviewde werd individueel uitgezonden als reporting officer samen met vijf anderen. De geïnterviewde gaat in op... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 04, Stanislaw Szmajzner
Interview with Stanislaw Szmajzner (Pulawy 13 March 1927). Szmajzner arrived in Sobibor at age fifteen. He was a goldsmith and had to make signet rings and other jewellery for... -
Survey integratie nieuwe groepen - SING 2009
Onderzoek naar de leefsituatie en integratie van Afghanen, Somaliërs, Irakezen, Iraniërs, Polen en Chinezen in Nederland. Het betreft een landelijk onderzoek onder personen van... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 09, Meier Ziss
Interview with Meier Ziss (Lublin 15 November 1927). Ziss arrived in Sobibor in June 1942. At first he worked as a barber, later he became 'Brandmeister' and had to burn the... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Kamp Amersfoort, interview 080
Werkt aan boord bij zijn vader als IJsselmeer visser. Duikt onder als hij opgeroepen wordt voor de Arbeitseinsatz. Redt samen met zijn vader drie Duitse vliegers die neerstorten... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 06, Jules Schelvis
Interview with Jules Schelvis (Amsterdam 7 January 1921). Schelvis was put on transport from Westerbork on 1 June 1943 with his wife and in-laws. He brought his guitar as a... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 15, Bernard Weber
Interview with Bernard Weber (Lemberg 25 March 1922). Weber survived Auschwitz-Birkenau where he witnessed the uprising in crematorium B. For several months he worked in the... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 05, Kurt Thomas
Interview with Kurt Thomas (Brno 11 April 1914). Thomas was taken to Sobibor via the ghetto of Theresienstadt. In the sorting barracks he had to sort clothes and belongings of... -
Sobibor Interviews 1983-1984, interview 02, Alexander 'Sasja' Pechersky
Interview with Alexander 'Sasja' Pechersky (Kremenchuk, 22 February 1909). Pechersky was a lieutenant in the Red Army, was taken prisoner in the autumn of 1941. When a medical...