Supplemental data for "Thermo-plastic Nonuniform Transformation Field Analysi...
This repository contains supplemental data for the article "Thermo-Plastic Nonuniform Transformation Field Analysis for Eigenstress Analysis of Laser Dispersed Materials,"... -
Plasticity predicts evolution in a marine alga
In order to allow full comparability with other ocean acidification data sets, the R package seacarb (Gattuso et al, 2015) was used to compute a complete and consistent set of... -
Reduced resilience of a globally distributed coccolithophore to ocean acidifi...
Ocean acidification (OA), induced by rapid anthropogenic CO2 rise and its dissolution in seawater, is known to have consequences for marine organisms. However, knowledge on the... -
Data for the determination of the reaction norms of the Pacific oyster and th...
Dataset associated to : Caillon, C., Pernet, F., Lutier, M., and Di Poi, C. Reaction norms of two oyster species from different habitats in response to ocean acidification, in... -
A Microstructure-Based Polycrystal Plasticity Study at the Propagating Fatigu...
An investigation of the elastic and plastic anisotropy of polycrystal in the vicinity of the fatigue-crack tip is of both scientific and practical significance to promote a... -
Eliminating Residual Stress in Stainless Steel Welded Joints using Transforma...
In the course of 2.5 years research in Cambridge, we have developed for the first time a tough, low-carbon martensitic stainless steel weld metal (CamAlloy 4) which can be used... -
Neural correlates of motor skill learning are dependent on both age and task ...
Although a general age-related decline in neural plasticity is evident, the effects of age on neural plasticity after a period of motor practice are inconclusive....