Kontrastförstärkt ultraljud av carotisplack
The study sample collected between 2009-2013 consist of in vivo images and data analyses of asymptomatic and symptomatic carotid atherosclerotic plaques. Purpose: In vivo... -
Glycophorin C in carotid atherosclerotic plaque reflects intraplaque hemorrha...
Abstracts Background and aims The accumulation of erythrocyte membranes within an atherosclerotic plaque may contribute to the deposition of free cholesterol and thereby the... -
GWAS to single cell: Intersecting single-cell transcriptomics and genome-wide...
These are the single-cell RNAseq data from the Athero-Express Biobank Study as used after quality control in the paper referenced below; abstract below. Background Genome-wide... -
Microanatomy of the Human Atherosclerotic Plaque by Single-Cell Transcriptomics
These are the single-cell RNAseq data from the Athero-Express Biobank Study as used after quality control in the paper referenced below; below the abstract. Rationale... -
ExpressScan: histological whole-slide image data from the Athero-Express (AE)...
Background The ExpressScan is an ongoing, unfunded project to scan pathological slides of atherosclerotic plaques and aneurysm tissues at high-resolution using pathology...