Smith's Phoneme INventories
Smith's Phoneme INventory is a collection of phoneme inventories and lexical tones in 111 languages. Digitized by the TDS project. -
Stress Typology Database
The Stress Typology Database (StressTyp) contains information on the metrical (stress) systems of 500 languages, based on grammars and theoretical works. Notions covered include... -
UCLA Phonological Segment Inventory Database
The UCLA Phonological Segment Inventory Database (UPSID) is a collection of phoneme inventories from 451 languages. Features such as manner, place, length, phonation type and... -
Syllable Typology Database
The Syllable Typology Database (SylTyp) contains information on syllable structures. Restrictions and rules concerning possible syllabic structures are provided, as well as...