A Living Landscape : Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. ...
Academisch proefschrift over de aard en dynamiek van bronstijdnederzettingen in het rivierengebied. Het bevat een introductie op de geologische processen en de paleogeografie... -
Changing ways. Patterns of connectivity, habitation and persistence in Northw...
Digital (background) files underlying PhD thesis R.J. van Lanen. Keywords: Roman period, Early Middle Ages, GIS modelling, Historical route networks, movement corridors. Date:... -
Self-organization of filamentous cyanobacteria
Supplementary Videos PhD Thesis, Maximilian Kurjahn, "Self-organization of filamentous cyanobacteria", Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2024) -
Departure From Randomness: Expanding the Structure Space of Self-Replicating ...
This dataset contains the full supporting material belonging to the PhD thesis of Marcel Eleveld titled “Departure From Randomness: Expanding the Structure Space of...