Codices Palatini germanici – Cod. Pal. germ. 496-670
Here you can find the descriptions of the German Palatine manuscripts (Cod. Pal. germ. 496-670) as published in the manuscripts catalog "Die Codices Palatini germanici in der... -
Codices Palatini latini - Humanistische, Triviums- und Reformationshandschriften
Here you can find the descriptions of the Latin Palatine manuscripts as published in the manuscripts catalog "Die humanistischen, Triviums- und Reformationshandschriften der... -
Codices Palatini latini - Quadriviums-Handschriften
Here you can find the descriptions of the Latin Palatine manuscripts as published in the manuscripts catalog "Die Quadriviumshandschriften der Codices Palatini Latini in der... -
Codices Palatini latini – Medizinische Handschriften
Here you can find the descriptions of the Latin Palatine manuscripts as published in the manuscripts catalog "Die medizinischen Handschriften der Codices Palatini Latini in der... -
Codices Palatini latini – Historische und philosophische Handschriften
Here you can find the descriptions of the Latin Palatine manuscripts as published in the manuscripts catalog "Die historischen und philosophischen Handschriften der Codices... -
Codices Palatini latini – Juristische Handschriften
Here you can find the descriptions of the Latin Palatine manuscripts as published in the manuscripts catalog "Die juristischen Handschriften der Codices Palatini Latini in der...