Genome skimming for nuclear markers across decapod crustacean data sets
This project contains raw sequence data sets generated at low coverage for crustaceans across various decapod infraorders and was used to mine for high copy number nuclear... -
Genomic sequence data from genome skimming of multiple freshwater crayfish an...
Genome skimming of multiple freshwater crayfish and lobsters to isolate mitochondrial genome and other nuclear genes. -
Raw sequence reads from Danish species
Raw reads from samples of danish species, sequenced with the purpose of assembling mito genomes for future references. -
A phylogenomic framework, evolutionary timeline, and genomic resources for co...
Comprising over 15,000 living species, decapods (crabs, shrimp, and lobsters) are the most instantly recognizable crustaceans, representing a considerable global food source.... -
Gut microbial communities of Pacifastacus leniusculus collected from Lake Erk...
The goal of this study was to investigate how host traits affect the gut microbiome. Specifically, this study tested how life stage and sex influence the effect of diet on gut...