(Table 1) Age, fork length, tissue d15N and mercury content of arctic char (S...
Note that in the article the data columns of Table 1 are displaced. We here present the data in the corrected format. -
Length and mass measurements of individual fish and sponges from long line fi...
The objective of the IMR-2009615 cruise was to study the distribution of fish and plankton in relation to the occurrence of Lophelia cold-water coral reefs and the general... -
(Table 1) Age, fork length, tissue d15N and δ¹³C and mercury content of arcti...
Among-lake variation in mercury (Hg) concentrations in landlocked Arctic char was examined in 27 char populations from remote lakes across the Canadian Arctic. A total of 520... -
(Table 1) Age, fork length, and tissue d15N and element concentration of arct...
Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.), the top predator in High Arctic lakes, often is used as a bioindicator of Hg contamination in Arctic aquatic ecosystems. The present study...