Genotoype-by-sequencing of three geographically-distinct populations of the O...
There are very few genomic resources for the native Puget Sound (Washington, USA) oyster, Ostrea lurida. In order to aid restoration efforts of this native oyster, we have... -
Ostrea lurida Transcriptome or Gene expression
Ostrea lurida (Olympia oyster) larvae were sampled by 36 hours post-fertilization. The transcriptome was sequenced from RNA extracted from pooled larvae. -
Utilizing Transcriptomics to Evaluate Environmental Determinants of Ostrea Lu...
Olympia oysters, Ostrea lurida, are currently the subject of multiple restoration projects along the west coast of the United States due to threats from historical... -
Population genetics of three Ostrea lurida (Olympia oyster) populations
2b-RAD sequencing of three Ostrea lurida (Olympia oyster) populations in Puget Sound, to investigate population structure and compare genetic differences to methylation... -
Population structure, genetic connectivity, and adaptation in the Olympia oys...
Effective management of threatened and exploited species requires an understanding of both the genetic connectivity among populations and local adaptation. The Olympia oyster... -
Comparison of DNA methylation patterns in Olympia oysters deployed in two dif...
Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida) bisulfite-treated DNA analysis from Fidalgo Bay broodstock offspring, grown out at two Puget Sound locations (Fidalgo Bay and Oyster Bay). This... -
Transcriptome assembly and gene expression profiling of Olympia oysters (Ostr...
Illumina RNA sequencing to assmeble a transcriptome for the oyster Ostrea lurida and identify genes signficantly differentially expressed among three populations of oysters that... -
Genome sequencing of the Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida)
High-throughput sequencing of the Olympia oyster genome. -
DNA methylation in two Ostrea lurida (Olympia oyster) populations
DNA methylation data for two</p><p>distinct Olympia oyster (Ostrea lurida) populations while controlling for within-generation</p><p>environmental... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth and survival of native and commercial...
The effects of climate change, including ocean acidification and ocean heatwaves, on biological communities in estuaries are often uncertain. Part of the uncertainty is due to... -
Slow shell building, a possible trait for resistance to the effects of acute ...
Increasing anthropogenic carbon dioxide is altering marine carbonate chemistry through a process called ocean acidification. Many calcium carbonate forming organisms are...