Data underpinning "Fully Generalized Machine Learning-Based Equalization in C...
"graph_data.xlsx" contains data displayed in the graphs present in the paper. It contains two sheets for each of the two graphs in the paper. "BER_Fibres" contains a table with... -
Data underpinning "Experimental Demonstration of Zero-Shot Machine Learning E...
"graph_data.xlsx" is an excel spreadsheet containing the graph data used in the paper. It contains three sheets for each of the three figures in the paper. "Q_fibres" contains a... -
Data underpinning "Generalization Capabilities of Machine Learning-based PDM ...
"graph_data.xlsx" is an excel spreadsheet containing the graph data. There are two sheets, "Nonlinearities" which contains the data in Fig 2a, and "Dispersion" containing the...