Diatom valves for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana...
This dataset provides counts of diatom valves for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana (Finland) in 2008. Counts per taxon are presented against both... -
Holocene diatom data from Lake Tavatui (Russia): diatom abundances and quanti...
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Diatom data of sediment core MD07-3081
This dataset contains the age model, Summer Sea Surface Temperature reconstruction (SSST), relative percentage of planktonic foraminifera and diatoms, and their associated... -
Diatom analyses of IODP Site 341-U1421
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Diatom composition of the sediment core EN18224-4 from Lake Satagay, Central ...
This dataset contains microscopic diatom counts from the sediment core EN18224-4, retrieved from Lake Satagay in Nyurbinsky District, Central Yakutia. The results include counts... -
Freshwater diatom abundance in different water bodies from a polygonal tundra...
Patterned ground of the polygonal tundra yields sensitive indicators of environmental and climate change. Polygon ponds, mires and cryosoils are typical components of Arctic... -
Diatom record of Hoton-Nur Lake (Khoton Nuur), Mongolian Altai, Mongolia, cov...
Results of the diatom analysis of the Hoton-2 core. Concentration values (×10^6 valves/gr) are provided for each level. -
Counts of diatoms of composite core PG1756
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Counts of diatoms of composite core PG1755
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Distribution of Diatoms in sediment core PG1857-5
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Distribution of Diatoms in sediment core PG1857-2
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Distribution of diatoms in sediment core PG1856-3
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Dominance of phytoplankton and ice algae in melt pond during expedition PS122...
Samples of microalgae groups, including phytoplankton and ice algae, in melt pond were taken during September during Leg 5 of MOSAiC expedition. Melt pond water was pumped up... -
Genetic and morphologic data of diatoms from Arctic surface sediments
Lakes cover large parts of the climatically sensitive Arctic landscape and respond rapidly to environmental change. Freshwater diatoms dominate the primary producer community in... -
Diatom abundance in surface sediments of the northern North Pacific
In order to map the modern distribution of diatoms and to establish a reliable reference data set for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the northern North Pacific, a new data... -
Diatom composition of the uppermost sediment record of Biển Hồ maar lake, Cen...
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(Appendix) Diatom taxa recorded from habitats associated with present-day pol...
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Diatoms and silicoflagellates abundances in the sediment core A12-5 from Amur...
Diatoms and silicoflagellates from sediments in Amur Bay (Japan Sea) were analyzed with high temporal resolution to examine changes over the last 150 years. The age of sediments... -
Diatoms and silicoflagellates abundances in the sediment core A12-4 from Amur...
Diatoms and silicoflagellates from sediments in Amur Bay (Japan Sea) were analyzed with high temporal resolution to examine changes over the last 150 years. The age of sediments... -
(Table T4) Stratigraphic occurrence of diatom species in ODP Hole 178-1103A
Smear slides and hydrogen peroxide-processed slides were used. Abundance: A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, + = present, B = barren, - = not present.