TPCOMP: Temporal Point Clouds of a wOrkpiece in the Machining Process
Temporal point clouds sampled from a workpiece in progress using 16 different machining tools. The datasets were created using a machining simulation in the Unit Industrial... -
Neural-Guided RANSAC for Estimating Epipolar Geometry [Data]
Pre-computed sparse feature correspondences for pairs of images (outdoor and indoor) to reproduce the experiments described in our paper, particularly to train and evaluate... -
DSAC* Visual Re-Localization [Data]
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly rendered depth maps to be used in combination with the MSR 7Scenes dataset, and the Stanford 12Scenes... -
Expert Sample Consensus (ESAC) for Visual Re-Localization [Data]
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly pre-computed scene coordinates to the MSR 7Scenes dataset and the Standford 12Scenes dataset. We also... -
DSAC++ Visual Camera Re-Localization [Data]
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly rendered depth maps to be used in combination with the Cambridge Landmarks dataset. We also provide... -
Differentiable RANSAC (DSAC) for Visual Re-Localization [Data]
Pre-trained models of our camera re-localization method for the MSR 7Scenes dataset. For more information, also see the code documentation: https://github.com/cvlab-dresden/DSAC -
Neural-Guided RANSAC for Estimating Epipolar Geometry [Data]
Pre-computed sparse feature correspondences for pairs of images (outdoor and indoor) to reproduce the experiments described in our paper, particularly to train and evaluate... -
DSAC* Visual Re-Localization [Data]
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly rendered depth maps to be used in combination with the MSR 7Scenes dataset, and the Stanford 12Scenes... -
Expert Sample Consensus (ESAC) for Visual Re-Localization [Data]
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly pre-computed scene coordinates to the MSR 7Scenes dataset and the Standford 12Scenes dataset. We also... -
DSAC++ Visual Camera Re-Localization [Data]
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly rendered depth maps to be used in combination with the Cambridge Landmarks dataset. We also provide... -
Differentiable RANSAC (DSAC) for Visual Re-Localization [Data]
Pre-trained models of our camera re-localization method for the MSR 7Scenes dataset. For more information, also see the code documentation: https://github.com/cvlab-dresden/DSAC