eight Illumina DNA sequcing data and two RNA sequcing data from Patellogastro...
to resolve the internal relationship within Patellogastropoda explore the event of habitat transition from shallow water to deep sea the auxiliary analyses on the relationship... -
N. concinna CGP RADseq data
RADseq data for 140 samples of N. concinna used for thje study of population structure at two geographic scales, i.e.: macro- and microgeographic scales and for determining the... -
Next-generation transcriptome characterization in three patelogastropods of g...
The transcriptomes of three Nacella species, N. concinna (Strebel, 1908), inhabiting Antarctic Peninsula N. magallanica (Gmelin, 1791), from Patagonia and N. clypeater (Lesson,... -
RNA-Seq of three Antarctic invertebrates exposed to different rates of warming
We assembled de novo transcriptomes for three Antarctic invertebrate species: the limpet Nacella concinna (foot muscle tissue), the amphipod Paracerodocus miersii (body wall... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and gene expression levels of the limpet Nacella...
Ocean acidification (OA) could become a serious threat for the Antarctic marine ecosystem over coming years, as the solubility of atmospheric CO2 and CaCO3 minerals increases at... -
Testing Antarctic resilience: the effects of elevated seawater temperature an...
Ocean acidification has been hypothesized to increase stress and decrease shell calcification in gastropods, particularly in cold water habitats like the western Antarctic... -
Multiple stressor effects of near-future elevated seawater temperature and de...
Warming seawater temperatures and ocean acidification on the coastal western Antarctic Peninsula pose unique challenges to stenothermal marine invertebrates. The present study... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and shell weights of Laternula elliptica, Yoldia...
Antarctic calcified macroorganisms are particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification because many are weakly calcified, the dissolution rates of calcium carbonate are inversely...