Historical light aids to navigation 1514-1911
This dataset for Historical Light Aids to Navigation (LAN) shows the development of historical lighthouses, lightships, harbour lights and beacons in England and Wales for... -
Historical light aids to navigation 1514-1911
This dataset for Historical Light Aids to Navigation (LAN) shows the development of historical lighthouses, lightships, harbour lights and beacons in England and Wales for... -
French Historical Light Aids to Navigation (F-LAN), 1775-1929
F-LAN is a geospatial data set that documents hundreds of coastal lights that guided ships around France from medieval times to 1929. F-LAN provides visibility range for... -
French Historical Light Aids to Navigation (F-LAN), 1775-1929
F-LAN is a geospatial data set that documents hundreds of coastal lights that guided ships around France from medieval times to 1929. F-LAN provides visibility range for...