Predator-prey interactions between the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoi...
The ingestion rates of the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoidii feeding on three different species of Alexandrium were determined by means of incubation experiments in... -
Predator-prey interactions between the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoi...
The ingestion rates of the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoidii feeding on two different species of Alexandrium were determined by means of incubation experiments in... -
Predator-prey interactions between the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoi...
The ingestion rates of the heterotrophic protist Polykrikos kofoidii feeding on different species of Alexandrium were determined by means of incubation experiments in... -
Phytoplankton taxon-specific growth and microzooplankton grazing rates in sub...
Here we present data of phytoplankton pigment and flow cytometry (FCM) data in the water column (CTD_HPLC_FCM_May2022.xlsx) and dilution grazing experiments... -
Apparent growth rates estimated in each incubation bottle of dilution experim...
Here we present taxon-specific apparent growth rate data obtained from high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment and flow cytometry (FCM) analisis of initial (T0) and... -
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment concentration data and flo...
Here we present data of phytoplankton pigment and flow cytometry (FCM) data from initial (T0) and final (T24) samples obtained from serial dilution grazing experiments set up... -
High-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) pigment concentration data and flo...
Here we present data of phytoplankton pigment and flow cytometry (FCM) depth-resolved data collected from the water column (0-100 m) during TAN1702 voyage (March-April 2017) in... -
Abundance, growth rate and grazing mortality rate of UCYN-A sublineages in th...
This dataset contains nifH gene copy numbers, growth rates, and grazing mortality rates of endosymbiotic nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (i.e., UCYN-A1 and UCYN-A2/3/4) in the... -
Abundance, growth rate and grazing mortality rate of major unicellular cyanob...
This dataset contains nifH gene copy numbers, growth rates, and grazing mortality rates of the major unicellular cyanobacterial diazotroph taxa (UCYN-A1, -A2/3/4, -B and -C),...