10Be erosion rates and riverine alkalinity concentration globally
The erosional influence on terrestrial alkalinity generation globally has been discussed over the last decades. In regional studies, long-term catchment-average denudation... -
Heavy minerals on cores C00018, C0002B, C0002D, C0006E, C0002K and C0002L
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(Table T7) Coarse-fraction particle counts, ages, and linear sedimentation ra...
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(Table T7) Coarse-fraction particle counts, ages, and linear sedimentation ra...
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(Table 1) Detrital modes for sand grains in sediment core CRP-1
Detrital modes for the sand-size fraction in 24 samples from the CRP-1 drillcore are described. Most samples are largely composed of quartzo-feldspathic detritus sourced... -
(Table 2) Petrographic composition of coarse clastic material from tills of t...
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(Table DR1) Petrographic data for samples from DSDP Hole 65-485
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(Table DR1) Petrographic data for samples from DSDP Hole 63-471
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(Appendix B) Mineralogical composition of deep sea sediments in the Strait of...
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(Table 6) Composition of deep-sea sands from the Black Sea
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Major rock groups found in dropstones from the eastern Weddell Sea, Antarctic...
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(Table D2) Coarse fraction analysis of ODP Site 151-909
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(Table D1) Coarse fraction analysis of ODP Hole 151-908A
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Modal analsyis of sediment core CRP-1 (Table 1)
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Grain size and heavy mineral analysis of Sander in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Die Sandergebiete sind von 5 Zentren her geschüttet, den Gletschertoren bei Flensburg, Frörup/Översee, Idstedt/Lürschau, Schleswig, Owschlag. Die Körnung der Schmelzwassersande... -
(Table 1) Mineral composition of 0.100-0.050 mm size fraction from surface la...
Distribution of mineral assemblages in sediments of both shelf and continental slope of Vietnam is under consideration. Mineral provinces are recognized and their... -
Mineral counts from Geschiebemergel of various localities in northern Germany
In ganz Norddeutschland werden bei jeder tieferen Bohrung bis zu mehrere 100 m maechtige Schichten des Diluviums durchbohrt, die aus scheinbar voellig unregelmäßigen Folgen von... -
(Table 1) Detrital modes for sand grains in sediment core CRP-3
Detrital modes determined on 68 sandstone samples from CRP-3 drillcore indicate a continuation of the dynamic history of uplift-related erosion and unroofing previously... -
(Table 3) Minerals and components of sediments from DSDP Site 94-609_Site, No...
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