Foraminiferal authigenic eNd and N. dutertrei U/Ca of ODP Hole 175-1085A
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(Table T3) Age control points for the benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope re...
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(Table T2) Age-control points used for the age extrapolation, ODP Hole 175-1087A
The timescale calibration of the isotopic stages corresponds to the orbitally derived scales of Imbrie et al., (1984), Martinson et al. (1987), and Bassinot et al. (1994) -
Mass accumulation rates from ODP Hole 112-680A, Peruvian Margin
This data consists of Mass accumulation rates of molybdenum and uranium from sediments collected during the ODP Expedition 112 borehole 680A at the Peruvian Margin. Moxs and Uxs... -
Surface and bottom water reconstructions for ODP Site 177-1094
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Length and width measurements of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis valves from sedi...
Light microscopy analysis of diatom frustules is widely used in basic and applied research, notably taxonomy, morphometrics, water quality monitoring and paleo-environmental... -
(Table1) Sedimentation rates and age-control points form ODP Hole 152-919A
Planktic d18O and d13C records and point count records of biogenic, volcanic, and nonvolcanic terrigenous [ice-rafted debris (IRD)] sediment components from Hole 919A in the... -
Foraminiferal authigenic eNd of sediment core MD03-2705
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Age determination of sediment core GIK16523-1
High-resolution studies of a planktonic foraminifer core record from the South China Sea (SCS) (31KL: 18°45.4'N, 115°52.4'E, water depth 3360 m) reveal changes driven by... -
(Table 2) Mean values calculated for individual stages and for all the interg...
Clay flux: Normalized flux, i.e., measured clay flux divided by the present flux measured in surface sediment 90-013-017 sample -
Nd and Sm content and isotopic composition of the carbonate-free clay fractio...
Sm-Nd concentrations and Nd isotopes were investigated in the fine fraction of two Labrador Sea cores to reconstruct the deep circulation patterns through changes in sedimentary... -
Final age model from different Holes of IODP Expedition 354
Site to site optimized tuning of L to LR04 for high resolution age models of IODP Expedition 354 transect (from W to E). Adjustments of tuning results in Table 1 to optimize... -
(Table 2) U and Th concentrations and isotope ratios of ODP Site 166-1006
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Age estimates of Discoaster datums and corresponding isotope stages (Table 2)
High-resolution records (2 7 kyr) of Upper Pliocene Discoaster abundances obtained from six ODP/DSDP sites are assessed independently using oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Four... -
(Table VI) Surface to bottom temperature gradients determined from stable oxy...
Raw isotope data from Nelsen et al. (1986), doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.683884. Vital effect adjustment is calculated from raw delta18O data: d18O(vea) = d18O(raw) + Sigma f. -
Elemental contents in different Marine Isotope Stages from IODP Site 363-U1483
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Revised age model for sediment core PS1246-4
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Revised age model for sediment core GIK23359-4
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Revised age model for sediment core GIK23359-2
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