MME-T-MEDNet: Mass mortality events in Mediterranean marine coastal ecosystems
The Mass Mortality Events (MME-T-MEDNet) dataset compiles information reported on mass mortality events of species in the Mediterranean Sea affecting different organism dwelling... -
Soft-bottom macrozoobenthos from the coastal Bulgarian Black Sea collected in...
<p>Abundance (individual counts) and biomass (g) of macrozoobenthic taxa at soft-bottom stations along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, collected during a field survey of... -
Infauna from seagrass meadows in the coastal Bulgarian Black Sea (2013-2014)
Abundance (individuals/m2) and biomass (g/m2) of macrozoobenthic taxa from seagrass meadows along the Southern Bulgarian Black Sea coast (Burgas Bay), collected during field... -
Nematoda from Kenya and Zanzibar
Data on the species and trophic composition of the nematode community in coral degradation zones in Kenya and Zanzibar. -
Fish and marine invertebrates from the Israeli Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Fish and marine invertebrates caught with trawl surveys (fish and shrimp trawls) from the Mediterranean continental shelf and upper slope of Israel from 1990 to 2012 (1990-1994,... -
Brachiopoda from sampling campaigns in the French part of the Mediterranean d...
A list of Brachiopoda species sampled during campaigns in the French part of the Mediterranean. -
Soft-bottom macrozoobenthos from the littoral zone of the Natura 2000 MPA \"R...
Abundance (individuals/m2) of macrozoobenthic taxa at littoral/upper infralittoral soft-bottom stations in the Natura 2000 MPA \"Ropotamo\" (BG0001001), southern Bulgarian Black... -
Copepoden van een sublittoraal zandig station in de Noordzee@nl
Gegevens over densiteiten en soortensamenstelling van copepoden op een sublittoraal zandig station (station 50) in de Noordzee.@nl -
Copepoda van het Nederlands Continentaal Plat, voorjaar 1993@nl
Densities and species composition of copepods on the Dutch Continental Shelf were determined. -
North Atlantic and Arctic Cumacea sampled during the IceAGE (2011) and PASCAL...
This datasets contributes to a better understanding of diversity in small peracarid crustacean and their possible distribution patterns in remote deep-sea regions. It contains... -
Bentho-pelagic coupling in the North Sea: Copepoda
Het aantal individuen per soort van benthische copepoden werd geteld voor een station op de Kwintebank en op de Gootebank op de Belgische Continentale Plaat.@nl -
TWorsfold CullercoatsBay 2003
Macrofauna from 2 algal samples collected for reference specimens: Cullercoats Bay, Tyne and Wear, UK. -
Observaciones de invertebrados del programa Canarias por una Costa Viva@es
The project ‘Canarias, por una costa viva (CCV)’ was an integrated research and educational initiative that run between 2003 – 2004 with the goals of gathering robust scientific... -
World Database of Nematodes
A world checklist of free-living marine Nematodes, compiled by taxonomic experts and based on peer-reviewed literature. -
Nematoda from Kenya and Zanzibar
Data on the species and trophic composition of the nematode community in coral degradation zones in Kenya and Zanzibar. -
Soft-bottom macrozoobenthos from the coastal Bulgarian Black Sea collected in...
<p>Abundance (individual counts) and biomass (g) of macrozoobenthic taxa at soft-bottom stations along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, collected during a field survey of... -
North Atlantic and Arctic Cumacea sampled during the IceAGE (2011) and PASCAL...
This datasets contributes to a better understanding of diversity in small peracarid crustacean and their possible distribution patterns in remote deep-sea regions. It contains... -
Copepods from a sublittoral sandy station in the North Sea
Data on densities and species composition of copepods on a sublittoral sandy station (station 50) in the North Sea. -
TWorsfold CullercoatsBay 2003
Macrofauna from 2 algal samples collected for reference specimens: Cullercoats Bay, Tyne and Wear, UK. -
Invertebrates observations delivered by "Canarias por una Costa Viva" project
The project ‘Canarias, por una costa viva (CCV)’ was an integrated research and educational initiative that run between 2003 – 2004 with the goals of gathering robust scientific...