(Figure S2) Composite of marine flux at site GeoB9501
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Norwegian biodiversity terminology database
The resource Artsdatabanken is a terminological database containing terms in Norwegian, Latin and other languages designating family/genus/species of marine species in the... -
Meiofauna monitoring in the Trieste harbour, northern Adriatic Sea (Port Auth...
Meiofauna monitoring in the Trieste harbour, Northern Adriatic Sea (Port Authority), 2013 and 2015. In June 2013 and March 2015, sampling was carried out in the harbour of the... -
Emerging viruses in British Columbia salmon discovered via a viral immune res...
The emergence of infectious agents poses a continual economic and environmental challenge to aquaculture production, yet the diversity, abundance and epidemiology of aquatic... -
Mesozooplankton abundance from 1972-1995 in the coastal Middle Adriatic Sea
Monthly mesoozooplankton samplings started in 1950s, performed by vertical tows of Hensen net (73 cm mouth diameter, 330 µm mesh size) from 35–0 m. Samples were fixed in 2 %... -
Monitoring data of Posidonia oceanica meadows along the French Mediterranean ...
Posidonia oceanica meadows data are collected in Mediterranean sea, in particular for the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. -
Meiofauna of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea), 2013-2014
Meiofauna monitoring in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, southern Italy), 2013-2014 in the framework of the Italian flagship project RITMARE. In June 2013 and April 2014,... -
Oskarshamn and Asko sediment metagenomes (Raw sequence reads)
Metagenome data from sediment samples in the Oskarshamn harbor -
Free-living nematodes of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea), 2013-2014
Free-living nematodes of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, southern Italy), 2013-2014 in the framework of the Italian flagship project RITMARE. In June 2013 and April... -
North Atlantic and Arctic Isopoda sampled during the BIOICE project
The North Atlantic and Arctic Isopoda dataset contains three parts: 1. Distribution records collected from literature; 2. Distribution records of specimens collected by the... -
Microbial Diversity Assessment Associated with Sponges and Algae from Sea Water
Microbial metagenome from seawater associated with Sponges and Algae -
Marine and terrestrial species occurrence data for French Polynesia
The ongoing biodiversity crisis calls for a complete biodiversity inventory of marine and terrestrial ecosystems. The task is particularly challenging for fragmented island... -
Irish Benthos monitoring as part of the Water framework directive since 2012
A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is that benthic macro-invertebrates must be sampled from coastal and transitional waters at least twice within a river basin cycle... -
Marine Turtles
Sightings and strandings of both dead and alive marine turtles in the British Isles and the Republic of Ireland. -
Mesozooplankton abundance from 1959-2017 in the Middle Adriatic Sea
Monthly mesoozooplankton samplings started in 1959, performed by vertical tows of Hensen net (73 cm mouth diameter, 330 µm mesh size) from 100–0 m at towing speed of 0.3 m s-1.... -
GeoLab is a single 57km-long dark optic fibre starting at Funchal. It is equipped with a ASN OptoDAS interrogator. The acquisition parameters are: 500 Hz sampling rate, 10 metre... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Samen leven en samen werken in het Bakkumse Sperrgebiet, i...
Twee interviews met BS, over zijn ervaringen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in Castricum als Duitse soldaatBS kwam als twaalfjarige bij de Hitlerjugend in 1933. Hij kon eind... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Samen leven en samen werken in het Bakkumse Sperrgebiet, i...
Twee interviews met TB, over zijn ervaringen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in het Bakkumse Sperrgebiet en in Bergen aan Zee.- de geïnterviewde was tijdens de oorlog als een van... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Samen leven en samen werken in het Bakkumse Sperrgebiet, i...
- Interview met CM, over zijn ervaringen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in het Bakkumse Sperrgebiet- de geïnterviewde was tijdens de oorlog als boswachter werkzaam in de duinen.... -
Getuigen Verhalen, Het Molukse perspectief in oorlogstijd, interview 17
Geïnterviewde 17 is geboren op 15 december 1931 in Surabaya, Java, Indonesië. Ze is opgegroeid in een gezin met vijf kinderen, waar zij de oudste van was. Tijdens een verlof...