Computing median unbiased estimates in macroeconometric models (replication d...
A stochastic simulation procedure is proposed in this paper for obtaining median unbiased (MU) estimates in macroeconometric models. MU estimates are computed for lagged... -
Stability and wage acceleration in macroeconomic models of cyclical growth (r...
This paper is concerned with the stability of macroeconomic models in which there is no long-run trade-off between unemployment and inflation, because of a wage adjustment... -
Measuring predictability: theory and macroeconomic applications (replication ...
We propose a measure of predictability based on the ratio of the expected loss of a short-run forecast to the expected loss of a long-run forecast. This predictability measure... -
Comparing SVARs and SEMs: two models of the UK economy (replication data)
The structural vector autoregression (SVAR) and simultaneous equation macroeconometric model (SEM) styles of empirical macroeconomic modelling are compared and contrasted, with... -
The transmission mechanism in a changing world (replication data)
The paper aims to identify those factors that cause changes in the speed and strength of the international transmission of output shocks from the USA to specified European... -
Exploring the international linkages of the euro area: a global VAR analysis ...
This paper presents a quarterly global model combining individual country vector error-correcting models in which the domestic variables are related to the country-specific... -
Econometric Methods for Modelling Systems With a Mixture ofi(1) andi(0) Varia...
This paper considers structural models with both I(1) and I(0) variables. The structural shocks associated with either set of variables could be permanent or transitory. We...