Magnetic excitation in Sr2IrO4 : Establishing links to Cuprate superconductors
The strontium iridate Sr2IrO4 has recently received a special attention because of its closeresemblance to undoped high-Tc cuprate in terms of structural, electronic, and... -
4f electronic states of the filled skutterudite compound PrFe4Sb12 synthesize...
Crystals of the filled skutterudite PrFe4Sb12 with the 73~87% Pr-site filling fractions prepared under ambient pressure show some magnetic ordering around 5 K and their... -
Investigation of giant crystal electric field (CEF) splitting in CeIr3Si2
CeIr3Si2 exhibits highly anisotropic bulk properties with two magnetic transitions at TN1 ~ 3.9 K and TN2 ~ 3.1 K. The overall CEF splitting of the J=5/2 ground multiplet of... -
INS study of double perovskite at the border between two and three dimensiona...
Sr2CuWO6 is a double perovskite at the border between two and three dimensional magnetism, with a square lattice of S=1⁄2 Cu(II) ions. This proposal aims to use inelastic... -
Determination of the on-top vibrational mode of the surface hydride in PdH.
Finely divided supported palladium particles are used as catalysts in many technical processes. Using MAPS we have recently investigated the interaction of hydrogen with the... -
Spin excitations of detwinned BaFe2As2
Although spin excitations in BaFe2As2 are thought spin-wave excitations and the excitation will locate at antiferromagnetic vector (1 0) only for a detwinned sample, the real... -
The ground state of a Kondo ion: V dissolved in the noble metal Au.
The 'non-magnetic' ground state of a Kondo ion is generally believed to consist of the localised spin surrounded by a compensating cloud of conduction electrons coupled... -
Neutron and muSR study of CePtSi: Non-Fermi liquid behaviour due to avoided m...
Previous studies have pointed to a heavy-electron state in CePtSi with a strongly enhanced electronic specific heat. We have explored the heat capacity, susceptibility and... -
Inelastic neutron scattering and musr studies of the high-distorted double pe...
The heat capacity and neutron powder diffraction measurements of the double perovskites La2NaB′O6 (B = Ru5+, Os5+) with S=3/2 on the B¿ reveal an incommensurate magnetic... -
Crystal field excitations of Co ions in the ideal triangular lattice antiferr...
We propose to measure crystal field transitions of Co ions in Ba3CoSb2O9, proposed to be a unique experimental realization of the S=1/2 antiferromagnet on the triangular... -
Study of hybridization gap and insulator-metal transition in caged compounds ...
Heavy fermion compounds with a small energy gap opening in the strongly hybridised 4f-band at EF are currently under intensive investigations. Recently some of us have... -
Geometrical frustration induced quantum phase transition in CeRh1-xPdxSn: Ine...
The quasi-kagome Kondo lattice CeRhSn exhibits intriguing properties, which ascribe to quantum criticality induced by geometrical frustration. Divergent Grüneisen ratios provide...