Media history, 2020
Namen raziskave je spoznati rabo radia v zgodovinski perspektivi v slovenskem prostoru in predvsem njegov pomen v vsakdanjem življenju ljudi v preteklosti. Raziskava izhaja iz... -
Media history, 2019
Namen raziskave je spoznati rabo medija - Walkmana, v zgodovinski perspektivi in njegov pomen v vsakdanjem življenju v preteklosti. Izhajamo iz teoretskih izhodišč medijskih in... -
Storycircle: Social and Digital Conditions for Narrative Exchange and Knowled...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. This is a mixed methods data collection. Storycircle was a project focusing on the social and digital... -
National Pupil Database, Key Stage 4, Tier 2, 2002-2016: Safe Room Access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The National Pupil Database (NPD) is one of the richest education datasets in the world. It is a... -
National Pupil Database, Key Stage 5, Tier 2, 2002-2016: Safe Room Access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The National Pupil Database (NPD) is one of the richest education datasets in the world. It is a... -
National Pupil Database, Key Stage 4, Tier 4, 2002-2016: Secure Access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The National Pupil Database (NPD) is one of the richest education datasets in the world. It is a... -
National Pupil Database, Key Stage 5, Tier 4, 2002-2016: Secure Access
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The National Pupil Database (NPD) is one of the richest education datasets in the world. It is a... -
Law, terrorism and the right to know
Law, Terrorism and the Right to Know (LTRK) was a three year research programme funded by the ESRC and AHRC under the RCUK Global Uncertainties Fellowships in Ideas and Beliefs... -
Human trafficking media texts
The project partners collected and analysed media material produced after 2000. Gregoriou and Ras examined a 61.5 million word corpus of UK news texts published during... -
The Illiberal Turn? News Consumption, Polarization and Democracy in Central a...
The Illiberal Turn project aims to carry out the first-ever systematic, comparative study of news consumption and political polarization in Central and Eastern Europe, at a key... -
Drugs and (Dis)order Media Resources on Drugs in Shan State, 2019
Compilation of media articles, reports and journal articles on drugs, violence, militia and conflicts in Shan State, compiled as part of the GCRF Drugs and (dis)order project...