Free-air anomaly data along profile AWI-20160400 during SONNE cruise SO246
Gravity data along seismic refraction profile AWI-20160400 was recorded during the cruise SO246 of the German RV SONNE along the central Chatham Rise, west of the Chatham... -
Wide-angle reflection and refraction data (OBH-OBS) along profile AWI-2016040...
Profile AWI-20160400 (OBS / OBH refraction data) was shot during the cruise SO246 of the German RV SONNE along the central Chatham Rise, west of the Chatham Islands. Shots were... -
Multi-channel seismic reflection data along profile AWI-20160401 during SONNE...
Profile AWI-20160401 (multi-channel seismic reflection data) was shot during the cruise SO246 of the German RV SONNE along the central Chatham Rise, west of the Chatham Islands.... -
Seismic reflection datasets during cruise ILAB-SPARC and iLAB TransAtlantic, ...
The seismic data sample the oceanic lithosphere extending between the Romanche Transform Fault to the Charcot Fracture Zone. Reflection (multichannel seismic - MCS data), we... -
2D multichannel seismic reflection processed data (GI Gun entire dataset) of ...
This 2D multi-channel seismic dataset was acquired during METEOR cruise M154-1 offshore Montserrat in April 2019. The dataset contains ~600 km of normal-moveout-corrected,... -
Bathymetry, gravity, seismic reflection and refraction datasets, and velocity...
We provide processed bathymetry and gravity (Free-air anomaly) datasets collected in the equatorial Atlantic during ILAB-SPARC experiment conducted aboard N/O Pourquoi Pas? in...