Geochemistry on surface sediments from the Northern Atlantic and Arctic Ocean
Longitude of POS146/1 Events were corrected on 2023-11-14 -
Analysis of organic material in surface sediments from the Nordic Seas (Table 8)
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Bulk geochemistry in surface sediments from the Nordic Seas (Table 5)
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Geochemical analysis of surface sediments from the ocean floor and from sea i...
Barium in marine terrigenous surface sediments of the European Nordic Seas is analysed to evaluate its potential as palaeoproductivity proxy. Biogenic Ba is calculated from Ba... -
Investigation of N. pachyderma from the North Atlantic
The shells of the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma have become a classical tool for reconstructing glacial-interglacial climate conditions in the North... -
Investigation of planktic foraminifera from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
The vertical density gradients in the Nordic Seas are crucial for the preconditioning of the surface water to thermohaline sinking in winter. These gradients can be... -
Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris in surface sediments of the Nor...
Magnetic susceptibility and ice-rafted debris of surface sediments in the Nordic Seas were investigated to reconstruct source areas and recent transport pathways of magnetic... -
Biogeochemical parameters from different sediment stations at the continental...
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Macrofauna biomass at sediment stations M36/3_249GKG1/2/3 to PS44/036GBC
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Organic carbon flux and remineralization in surface sediments
Organic carbon fluxes through the sediment/water interface in the high-latitude North Atlantic were calculated from oxygen microprofiles. A wire-operated in situ oxygen bottom... -
Phosphate concentration of porewater in sediment profile M36/3_201
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Nitrate concentration of porewater in sediment profile M36/3_201
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Manganese concentration of porewater in sediment profile M36/3_201
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(Table 2) Diffusive oxygen and organic carbon fluxes from ex situ and in situ...
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(Table 3) Organic carbon degradation rate and first-order kinetic degradation...
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Stable isotopes measured on foraminifera from the Nordic Sea
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Nordic Seas surface sediment ages
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Susceptibility of surface sediments of the Nordic Seas
Please note: Lat/Long of POS137 Events was slightly corrected on 2020-07-30. Longitude of POS146/1 Events were corrected on 2023-11-14 -
Concentration of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from plankton tows during cruise...
Density profiles of the planktonic foraminifera species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma from stratified plankton tow hauls collected in the Arctic and the North Atlantic oceans... -
Distribution of planktonic foraminifera in water profiles from the North Atla...
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