Raw multibeam EM122 data: transits of METEOR cruise M148/2 (Atlantic)
Latitude/Longitude extracted from DSHIP.Data acquisition was performed using a multibeam sonar system Simrad EM-122 from Kongsberg. Raw data are delivered within Simrad current... -
Fluorescence measurements of dissolved matter during RV METEOR cruise M148/2 ...
Water samples were taken from surface, deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), oxygen depleted zone underneath the DCM and at depth layers aboard the RV Meteor during the cruise M148-2... -
Absorbance measurements of coloured dissolved organic matter during RV METEOR...
During RV METEOR cruise M148-2 in the Angola Gyre as well as the Benguela Upwelling System off the coast of Namibia water samples were taken from surface waters, deep... -
Meteor Expedition M18/2 EreBUS sediment porewater nutrient and sulfur from st...
Sediment pore water nutrient chemistry and sulfur chemistry in surface sediments obtained from multi-cores at Station M148-206. Pore waters were obtained by Rhizone sampling.... -
Meteor Expedition M148/2 EreBUS nutrient data from Benguela Upwelling System ...
Nutrient data are from Nisken Bottle samples collected and measured onboard Meteor Expedition 148/2 “EreBUS”. Concentrations of dissolved inorganic phosphate (PO4), nitrite... -
Optical water quality variables (Secchi disk depth and Forel-Ule colour index...
Optical water quality variables were recorded using a black and white Secchi disk with a diameter of 40 cm and a Forel-Ule colour scale. The Secchi disk depth was recorded as a... -
Hyperspectral downward sky leaving radiance observed at 45° zenith angle duri...
Automated continuous above-water hyperspectral calibrated radiometric quantities were observed in the international waters of the Atlantic Ocean during the scientific field... -
Hyperspectral total upward sea surface leaving radiance observed at 45° nadir...
Automated continuous above-water hyperspectral calibrated radiometric quantities were observed in the international waters of the Atlantic Ocean during the scientific field... -
Hyperspectral downward irradiance observed during cruise M148/2 aboard METEOR
Automated continuous above-water hyperspectral calibrated radiometric quantities were observed in the international waters of the Atlantic Ocean during the scientific field... -
Processed multinet CTD data from METEOR cruise M148/2
Research expedition M148-2 took place from July 2nd, 2018 (Walvis Bay, Namibia) to July 20th, 2018 (Las Palmas, Spain). CTD data for 7 stations with a total of 14 individual...