Dutch long term monitoring of phytoplankton in the Dutch Continental Economic...
Long term measurements of phytoplankton composition in the Dutch national part of the North Sea. Samples were taken 12 - 24 times per year between 2000 and 2018 and analysed to... -
Specific diversity data of macrobenthic communities in the "Rivière de Morlai...
Monitoring of species richness, abundances of all macrobenthic species, biomass, sediment grain size, temperature and salinity. The experiment was designed to study long-term... -
L4 Plankton Monitoring Programme
Station L4 is one of a series of hydrographic stations in the Western English Channel (English Channel References). These stations have been the basis of a series of... -
Finnish Baltic Sea zooplankton monitoring
The dataset include Finnish zooplankton monitoring data from the Baltic Sea. The Finnish zooplankton monitoring program started in 1979 and is still ongoing. The sampling has... -
Finnish Baltic Sea phytoplankton monitoring, KPLANK database
The KPLANK database includes data on phytoplankton, covering the Finnish coastal areas as well as the offshore areas of the Baltic Sea. The quantitative data mainly stem from... -
Polish Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea: phytoplankton
Phytoplankton data from Polish Exclusive Economic Zone of the Baltic Sea collected in frame of the Polish Monitoring Programme. Data include information on species composition,... -
SHARK - National environmental monitoring of Grey seal in Sweden since 1989
The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The... -
Danish benthic marine monitoring data from ODAM
Data contain abundance (number of individuals per species) and biomass (wet weight or dry weight per species) information. -
SHARK - National phytoplankton monitoring in Sweden since 1983
Data collected within various monitoring programmes and surveys. Standard quantitative phytoplankton techniques following HELCOM MONAS guidelines. Counts and sometimes... -
BIS dataset of the south-western part of Netherlands (1985-2004)
This CD contains part of the data from the Benthos Information system, the database of the Monitor Task-group of the NIOO. -
Finnish Baltic Sea benthic monitoring, POHJE database
The POHJE database includes data on benthic macrofauna, covering the Finnish coastal areas as well as the offshore areas of the Baltic Sea. The quantitative data mainly stem... -
SHARK - National Epibenthos monitoring in Sweden since 1992
Epibenthos has been nationally monitored in Sweden since 1992. The monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and later the Swedish Agency... -
SHARK - National environmental monitoring of Harbour seal in Sweden since 1988
The national monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and is now financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. The... -
SHARK - National Ringed seal monitoring in Sweden since 1995
Data from Swedish environmental monitoring of abundance of Ringed seal. Swedish monitoring of Ringed seals started in 1995. The monitoring program was initiated by the Swedish... -
N3 data of Kiel bay
Long term monitoring of all invertebrate species of station N3 in Kiel Bay in the Western Baltic was performed from between 1986 ad 2004. -
ICES Database of trawl surveys
ICES online database of trawl surveys, covering the Baltic Sea, Skagerrak, Kattegat, North Sea, English Channel, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Bay of Biscay and the eastern Atlantic... -
Historical zooplankton records from the Black Sea
Historical zooplankton records from the Black Sea -
JNCC seabird distribution and abundance data (all trips) from ESAS database
Information on dataset available at <a href=http://seamap.env.duke.edu/datasets/detail/427 target=_blank>seamap.env.duke.edu/datasets/detail/427</a> -
Polish Monitoring Programme - Monitoring of the Baltic Sea: phytobenthos
Phytobenthos data from Polish Exclusive Economic Zone of the Baltic Sea collected in frame of the Polish Monitoring Programme. Data include information on species composition,... -
Dutch long term monitoring of macrobenthos in the Dutch Continental Economica...
Long term measurements of benthos composition in the Dutch national part of the North Sea. Samples have been taken by benthic sledge, box-corer, video and Hamon sampler. Samples...