Number of Identified Specimens (NISP) for all anatomical elements in Tarracon...
Supplementary materials of the paper "From Villae to Early Medieval Communities in Tarraconensis Region (Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula): Changes and Continuities in Herding... -
Curaçaose cijferreeksen 1828 - 1955
Tussen 1972 en 1980 werden de onderzoeksgegevens verzameld, die o.a. werden verwerkt in de volgende publicaties 'Olie als water - de Curacaose economie in de eerste helft van de... -
Distribution of ticks, tick-borne pathogens and the associated local environm...
The data investigated the distribution of ticks and their potential pathogens in two agricultural zones in north-western and south-western France, as well as the distributions... -
Typology of European livestock production areas
This typology of European livestock production areas was made during the collective scientific assessment of the 'Role, impacts and services provided by European livestock... -
Database to collect emission values for livestock systems : ELFE database
Increasing demand for animal products has contributed to the increase in biogeochemical fluxes, leading particularly to gaseous ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide emissions into...