Summary of sediment core sites of water regions in the Atlantic and Pacific o...
Summary of sediment core sites including number of available data for each of the five proxies used. Data columns indicate the site name, longitude (lon, °E), latitude (lat,... -
Compiled Late Pliocene Stable Carbon Isotope Data from Sites in the Atlantic ...
Here we compiled stable carbon isotope data from 23 ODP sites in the Atlantic and Pacific, binned by marine isotope stage.Stable carbon isotope data were binned and averaged... -
Cenozoic TEX86-derived global SST compilation including new data from ODP/DSD...
Cenozoic global TEX86-derived sea surface temperature (SST) compilation from all published marine TEX86 records and new data measured in this study (ODP/DSDP Sites 516, 588,... -
Occurrence of Globorotalia cavernula in the water column and sediments: globa...
Here, we present a global compilation of previously reported sightings of the rare planktic foraminifer Globorotalia cavernula Bé, 1967 as well as new observations of... -
Carbon 13 isotopes reveal limited ocean circulation changes between interglac...
We present a compilation of δ13C data to characterize the ocean circulation during the interglacials of the last 800 000 years. We selected 9 interglacials for which we have... -
(Data Set S1) Compiled benthic foraminiferal stable isotopic values
d13C_adj: carbon isotopic value adjusted to Cibicidoides equivalent.d18O_adj: oxygen isotopic value adjusted to Cibicidoides equivalent. -
Carbonate accumulation rate calculation derived from previously published car...
Compilation of carbonate content data for the five sites of the Leg 154, Ceara Rise, tropical Atlantic (Initial report, https://doi.org/10.2973/odp.proc.ir.154.1995, Curry et... -
Oxygen and carbon stable isotopes ratios from benthic foraminifera from Mioce...
Stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios measured on benthic foraminifera (Cibicidoides mundulus, Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and Oridorsalis umbonatus) from the Miocene time... -
Carbonate content analyses and accumulation rate data for the marine isotopic...
Total carbon measurement (LECO CS744 elemental analyser, Bremen University). The analyses were performed by heating 0.1 g of homogenised material in a ceramic dish and measuring... -
Magnetic susceptibility of ODP Site 154-927, Pliocene Warm Period (3095 to 33...
Magnetic susceptibility record of the individual core sections from Wilkens et al., (2017, DOI: 10.5194/cp-13-779-2017) along the adjusted composite splice from this study and... -
Splice composition of ODP Site 154-927, 110.43 mcd to 119.79 mcd interval, C...
Splice composition of the Leg 154 Site 927, adjusted for this study from Wilkens et al. (2017, DOI: 10.5194/cp-13-779-2017). The previously published splice composition: spliced... -
S33. Cenozoic deep-sea benthic foraminifer stable carbon and oxygen isotope r...
Species code for benthic foraminifer:CBRA Cibicidoides bradyiiCCIC Cibicidoides cicatricosusCEOCEA Cibicidoides eoceanusCGRIM Cibicidoides grimsdaleiCHAVA Cibicidoides... -
(Table 2) Mg isotope ratios for pore-fluids and dolomite of deep sea sediment...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Analytical uncertainties are reported as the 2 sigma of repeat measurements. -
Coarse and small fraction carbonate content and accumulation rate from Miocen...
Coarse and small fraction carbonate content and accumulation rate from Miocene to Quaternary, at site 927. The table contains the quantity of less than 32 µm sediment on the... -
Foraminiferal I/Ca Measurements from Miocene Sediments
The foraminiferal iodine-to-calcium proxy (I/Ca) can be used to reconstruct regional iodine speciation and redox conditions. This dataset contains new foraminiferal I/Ca... -
Global compilation of the first occurrence of Gephyrocapsa huxleyi and other ...
The data compilation includes the first occurrence of G. huxleyi and other species of Gephyrocapsa as revealed by Quaternary sediment samples from the world oceans. This new... -
Standardized and compiled marine paleoproductivity records across the late Mi...
This dataset represents a compilation of globally distributed paleoproductivity proxy records, mainly derived from low latitudes. It includes standardized and compiled records... -
Mass estimates and morphometric meassurements of Discoaster species and Sphen...
Mass estimates for Late Miocene and Pliocene (8.6-3.25 Ma) Discoaster species and Sphenolithus are determined using samples of the equatorial Atlantic (Ceara Rise: ODP Site... -
Magnesium isotope ratios of pore-fluids and dolomites
Magnesium concentrations in deep-sea sediment pore-fluids typically decrease down core due to net precipitation of dolomite or clay minerals in the sediments or underlying... -
Sr/Ca ratios of Cenozoic benthic foraminifera
A Cenozoic multi-species record of benthic foraminiferal calcite Sr/Ca has been produced and is corrected for interspecific offsets (typically less than 0.3 mmol/mol) and for...