Carbonate geochemistry of ODP Hole 121-752A
This dataset belongs to a data compilation that contains total organic carbon content, calcium carbonate content and concentrations for major elements, covering the... -
Major element composition of ODP Hole 121-752A
This dataset belongs to a data compilation that contains total organic carbon content, calcium carbonate content and concentrations for major elements, covering the... -
Cenozoic TEX86-derived global SST compilation including new data from ODP/DSD...
Cenozoic global TEX86-derived sea surface temperature (SST) compilation from all published marine TEX86 records and new data measured in this study (ODP/DSDP Sites 516, 588,... -
(Table 2) Rare earth element concentration data for fish tooth samples
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(Table 1) Neodymium isotopic composition of fish tooth and sediment samples
Replicate analyses of the Nd standard JNdi yielded 143Nd/144Nd ratios from 0.511937 ± 0.000015 to 0.512251 ± 0.000015 (2s, n=316). -
(Supplement S3) Volcanic ash layer description and thickness analysis from di...
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Sea surface temperatures calculated for 10 ka BP from planktic foraminifera
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Sea surface temperatures calculated for today from planktic foraminifera
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Carbon 13 isotopes reveal limited ocean circulation changes between interglac...
We present a compilation of δ13C data to characterize the ocean circulation during the interglacials of the last 800 000 years. We selected 9 interglacials for which we have... -
PlioVAR changepoint analysis
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δ18O and δ13C of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and related species and carbonate...
The δ13C composition of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and other Cibicidoides spp is an important tool to reconstruct past changes in the deep ocean carbon cycle. The species are... -
Standardized and compiled marine paleoproductivity records across the late Mi...
This dataset represents a compilation of globally distributed paleoproductivity proxy records, mainly derived from low latitudes. It includes standardized and compiled records... -
(Table 3) Osmium isotope ratios for Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide leachate, mixed forami...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. -
(Table 2) Osmium isotope ratios and Re-Os element content for cleaned and unc...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. -
(Table 1) Osmium isotope ratios and Re-Os element content in bulk sediments o...
Sediment depth is given in mcd. -
Helium concentrations of ODP Hole 121-757B
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40Ar-39Ar plateau and isochron ages from the Ninetyeast and Broken Ridges (Ta...
Concordant plateau and isochron ages are obtained from 40Ar-39Ar incremental heating experiments on volcanic rocks recovered by drilling at three Leg 121 sites along the... -
Chert intervals in DSDP and ODP sites (Table 1)
Radiolarian cherts in the Tethyan realm of Jurassic age were recently interpreted as resulting from high biosiliceous productivity along upwelling zones in subequatorial... -
The evolutionary history of size variation of planktic foraminiferal assembla...
The iterative evolutionary radiation of planktic foraminifers is a well-documented macroevolutionary process. Here we document the accompanying size changes in entire planktic... -
Data compilation of bio-SiO2 MAR from 21 sites
The table includes complicated bio-SiO2 MAR from 21 sites in the global ocean during the late Miocene. We also use Geologic Time Scale 2020 timescale (Gradstein et al., 2020;...